As we approach the implementation of the FAMIS food stamp system, memorandums will be issued to keep staff informed of the progress and any issues needing to be addressed.  At this time, our plan is to automatically convert as many food stamp cases to FAMIS as possible.  Automatic conversion requires no assistance from the caseworker during the conversion process.  Any information stored in our current food stamp system will be populated in the correct fields in FAMIS.  This means that staff will have fewer cases to manually convert.

The goal of the FAMIS team and Central Office staff is to ensure the FAMIS food stamp system is brought up smoothly with as little interruption as possible to the normal business processes.  In order to do this, we identified some barriers to automatically converting a food stamp case to FAMIS.  One of the biggest barriers to the automated conversion process is incorrect information in the current food stamp production system.  We will be asking staff to help us clean up the information in the current system until their county is converted to FAMIS.  Some of the requests can be completed during regular business activities, such as taking applications and approving cases.  Taking a few minutes to ensure the information in our current system is correct will lessen the burden on staff when each county is converted to FAMIS.  Some programming will be completed in the next few months to assist staff in this process.

Some of the barriers we have identified, a description of each, and their solutions are provided.  Each of these will be addressed in more detail as memorandums are issued. 

  •    Incorrect IWKR information:   The information contained in the IWKR system in production is not current.  Some load numbers show workers who have retired, do not show the new worker, or were never deleted when the load was dissolved.  A memorandum was issued to Area staff asking them to ensure the IWKR information is updated by July 21, 2000. 
  •    Incorrect load/worker number/supervisor number:   The information contained in FSU5 is not always current.  FSU5 requires worker numbers to be entered every time an action is taken, however the correct worker number is not always entered.  If staff are completing work for another load, theworker who completed the action must enter his/her worker number in the back-up worker field.  Put the correct worker number for that load in the worker number field.  This will ensure that the back-up worker gets credit for the action, but the case will be converted into the correct worker's load.  FAMIS staff will be issuing a report showing any cases on      which the load number, worker number, and supervisor number do not match  (based on IWKR information).
  •    Incorrect FAMIS user information:   The names of some caseworker staff  were entered into the FAMIS user system when FAMIS Childcare was implemented.  Some of these individuals have changed base locations, have different positions, or are no longer employed.  New staff have not always been added to the FAMIS system.  Each county office will need to ensure that all staff who complete or review food stamp transactions are entered correctly in the FAMIS system prior to conversion of that county. 
  •    Bad addresses/not CODE-1(CD1P) compliant:   FAMIS runs all addresses entered through Code-1 formatting.  In order for FAMIS to be able to accept addresses during conversion, the address must be able to be identified in Code-1.  Staff must check Code-1 (CD1P) prior to entering an address in IAPP or FSU5.  Addresses that cannot be identified through CD1P and error out as "bad addresses" will not be converted automatically.  Caseworkers will have to manually convert these cases.  Data Processing staff is programming changes to FSU5 that will ensure an address is Code-1 (CD1P) compliant.  FAMIS staff will be issuing a report showing any cases on which the address is not Code-1(CD1P) compliant for staff to correct prior to conversion.  Refer to Memorandum IM-#23, dated May 1, 1995, for  instructions on how to use CD1P. 
  •    PO Boxes/General Delivery:   FAMIS uses the residential address to set up a supercase.  A post office box or general delivery address cannot be automatically converted as it is not a residential address, but is a mailing address.  For cases that have residential and mailing addresses, determine if the household can receive mail at their residential address.  If it is not a problem to do so, staff should take out the PO Box/General Delivery and enter the residential address.
  •    Transient cases:   Cases identified in FSU5 as transient cases (1, 3, or 7 in field 20) will not be automatically converted.  At application, staff  should determine if thetransient code is still applicable.  If the household has a residential address and can receive mail there, the transient code should be removed.
Staff do not have to take any action at this time.  However, it will be easier for staff to correct the problems at the next contact with the case.  If staff clean up the problems as they work with a case, the reports will be smaller and less work will be required before conversion, as well as fewer cases to manually convert.

If you have any questions regarding cleaning up current food stamp or  production information, or the implementation of food stamps to FAMIS, follow supervisory channels to contact the Food Stamp Program and Policy Unit.

  • Review this memorandum with appropriate staff;

  • Update IWKR information to reflect individuals currently assigned to specific caseloads and supervisory units.

  • Enter the correct worker number, back-up worker number, and supervisor number every time an action is taken in FSU5.

  • Update FAMIS user information to reflect individuals currently completing or reviewing food stamp transactions and their base location.

  • Use Code-1 (CD1P) to ensure addresses are entered correctly into IAPP and FSU5.  Use PO Box and General Delivery only when necessary.  Remove transient codes from FSU5 when not necessary. 
  • REM
    Distribution #6

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