Several revisions are made to the food
stamp Currency Report to incorporate changes due to extending processing
time for timely reapplications, to correct currency calculations for cases
held 60 days and to provide a more useful format for staff.
The Currency Report shows timely recertification application approvals and rejections completed "on time" if completed according to the revised processing due dates (see Memorandum IM-#142 dated 9/21/00). Non-timely and initial applications held for 60 days pending receipt of requested information are shown processed timely if completed the first working day following the 60th calendar day after the date of application. Applications will be considered worker delay (regardless of the delay code entered in FSU5) if:
CURRENCY REPORT, PAGE A The new fields added to page A of the food stamp Currency Report are as follows:
It is imperative the correct worker number, backup worker number, caseload and supervisor number be correctly entered in FSU5 in order for cases to be automatically converted by FAMIS and to provide accurate currency reports to staff. Refer to Memorandum IM-#84 dated 05/31/2000 for guidance on correct entry of backup worker numbers.
The currency reports affected by these changes are FFSMT551-01, 02, 03, 04, 05 and FFSMT553-01, 02. |
Attachment Distribution #3 Forms not available on-line, hard copy only |
PURPOSE: To provide a management report for monitoring timeliness of case actions that were processed for the report month, including applications for cases and individuals. Also, to serve as an aid in monitoring worker performance in the area of timeliness.
Page A provides a listing of the cases, action taken, days pending, and delay code, if applicable.
Page B provides the statistics of the case actions processed. The delays are listed as client, worker, or no delay. Percentages are shown for the total current and the cases not processed timely.
HEADINGS: The standardized headings are used for the correct
distribution in the county and the area offices. The headings contain
the pay county; distribution; the period the report covers; the computer
run date and the frequency of the report.
LOAD: The load in which the case was carried at the time of the case action.
DCN: The DCN of the case for which the action was completed.
CASE NAME: The name of the individual for whom the application was filed.
APPL DATE: The date the application was filed.
SYSTEM PROCESS DATE: This is the date the case action was processed in the system. This replaces the "PROC DATE" field.
DUE DATE: The system calculated application due date.
APP TYPE: This reflects the type of application. An "I" indicates an initial application, a "T" indicates a timely reapplication, and an "N" indicates a non-timely reapplication.
LAST MONTH CERT: This date reflects the last month of the previous certification period.
CASE ACTION: The case action code entered on the IM-105/FSU5 at the time of the case action.
DAYS PENDING: The difference in the number of days between the application/reapplication date and the system process date. This information is displayed for initial and non-timely applications only.
DAYS PENDING DELINQUENT: The number of days from the due date to
the system process date.
DELAY CODE: The code entered to indicate client delay or agency delay. If the field is blank, it indicates no delay.
OP ID: This is the last three characters of the user ID of the individual
who processed the case action (the Backup Worker).
Page B of the Currency Report is divided into two categories, initial and non-timely applications and timely recertification reapplications. Both categories contain the number and percentage of cases processed as no delay, client delay, or agency delay.
CASE ACTION CODE: This is the case action taken such as "01" certify; "01C" system certify; "05" recertify; "05C" system recertify; "11" categorically eligible suspend; and "02" reject.
TOTAL ACTIONS COMPLETE: This is the total actions completed for each case action type (i.e. 01, 05, 11, or 2).
NO DELAY: The cases that were completed timely.
CLIENT DELAY: The cases that contained client delay in processing. Note: The following cases coded as client delay are counted as worker delay:
SUB-TOTAL/PERCENT: The sub-totals and percentages for each category are shown for: (1) total actions completed; (2) applications with no delay; (3) applications with client delay; and (4) applications containing worker delay.
TOTAL CASES: This is the total of cases processed for both categories.
TOTAL PERCENT NO DELAY: This is the percentage of applications processed on time.
TOTAL PERCENT WORKER DELAY: This is the percentage of applications processed
that are counted as worker delay.
TOTAL PERCENT CLIENT DELAY: This is the percent of applications
processed that are counted as client delay.
WORKER CURRENCY: This is total of the columns showing the percentage of applications processed and counted as no delay and client delay.
ACTION TAKEN TO ADD INDIVIDUALS: The add line shows individuals added
to applications/active cases during the month. The reject line shows
the individuals rejected from applications during the month.