IM-21  01/27/00   FS MANUAL REV. #5: SECTION 1105.015.10.35

SECTION 1105.015.10.35, PAGE 1105-15
The deletion of a reference to suspended imposition of sentence was inadvertently omitted when the policy changed.  The note referring to a suspended imposition of sentence is being deleted from Section 1105.015.10.35.  Refer to memorandum IM-#97 dated July 27, 1999.
  • Discuss this memorandum with necessary staff.

  • File the revised page in the Food Stamp Manual.
Distribution # 3

[ Memorandum Table of Contents ]

1105.015.10.20        Disqualified for Failure to Comply with METP

Include resources and income of these individuals in budget and resource determinations.  Count the disqualified member's share of income deductions and allowable expenses in the total household deductions and expenses.

1105.015.10.25        Disqualified/Failure to Comply with 18 to 50 Year Old Work Requirement

Include the full resources and income of these individuals in budget and resource determinations.  Count the disqualified member's share of income deductions and allowable expenses in the total household deductions and expenses.

1105.015.10.30        Ineligible Students

Do not consider the income and resources of an ineligible student when determining eligibility or the level of benefits for other household members.  Do not include the income deductions and allowable expenses paid by the ineligible student in the household's total deductions and expenses.

1105.015.10.35        Disqualified Fleeing Felons
IM-# 21  January 27, 2000

Include the resources and income of these individuals in budget and resource determinations.  Count the disqualified member's share of income deductions and allowable expenses in the total household deductions and expenses.

1105.015.10.40        Disqualified for Felony Drug Conviction
IM-#118  October 5, 1998

Include the resources and income of these individuals in budget and resource determinations.  Count the disqualified member's share of income deductions and allowable expenses in the total household deductions and expenses.

1105.015.10.45        Disqualified Probation/Parole Violators
IM-#118  October 5, 1998

Include the resources and income of these individuals in budget and resource determinations.  Count the disqualified member's share of income deductions and allowable expenses in the total household deductions and expenses.


1105.015.10.50        Disqualified for Trafficking Food Stamp Benefits
IM-#118  October 5, 1998

Include the resources and income of these individuals in budget and resource determinations.  Count the disqualified member's share of income deductions and allowable expenses in the total household deductions and expenses.

IM-#118  October 5, 1998

Do not allow any member of a FS household to participate in more than one FS household and/or more than one county.  If duplicate participation is discovered at the time the household applies, reject the application or close the former case before the application is approved.  If the duplicate participation involving two or more active cases resulted in an overissuance, and a possible IPV exists, refer to the Welfare Investigation Unit or schedule an administrative hearing if the overissuance does not meet WIU referral criteria.  The county must decide if one or both of the active cases must be closed.

Any individual found by a State agency, through an administrative hearing, to have made, or is convicted in a Federal or State court for making a fraudulent statement or representation with respect to the identity or place of residence of the individual in order to receive multiple benefits simultaneously under the Food Stamp Program is ineligible to participate in the program for 10 years.  The 10 year period begins with the date of conviction or state determination for the offenses that occur after August 22, 1996.  This is an intentional program violation (IPV).

1105.020.00    IDENTITY

Verify the identity of the person making application.  Where an authorized representative applies on behalf of a household, verify the identity of both the authorized representative and the head of household.
