Attached is a copy of the revised Income Maintenance Budget
(IM-30 IBCA) and forms instructions.  This form revision accommodates the following information for the Temporary Assistance and Medical Assistance for Families Programs.
  • Line 13 on the IBCA now reads "ELIG. FOR $30 OR 2/3 (Y/N)".
  • MC+ expansion of 1998 & 1999.
  • Discuss this memorandum with all appropriate staff.
  • Upon deletion of existing supply, begin using the revised IM-30 IBCA form.
  • File the revised IM-30 IBCA and instructions in the IM Forms Manual.

Instructions Attached
Forms Available (Hard Copy Only)
Distribution #2

IM-30 (IBCA), Page 1

PURPOSE:  To provide an input document for information needed in IBCA to determine eligibility on the need factor and calculate the amount of grant.  The system is designed to calculate claim budgets beginning April 1982 and current budgets.

NUMBER OF COPIES AND DISPOSITION:  Complete one copy, use the IBCA system, attach copies of the Results Screen and the Budget Screen, and file in the case record.

DCN:  Enter the eight digit Departmental Client Number of the Payee.

NAME:  Enter the name of the payee.  IBCA allows 25 alpha characters for this field.  It is used for identification purposes.

APPLICATION DATE:  Enter six digits to indicate the date of application, if applicable.  Prorated benefits are calculated when this date is in the Effective Month.  The IBCA system can not calculate the prorated benefits when an individual is added to an active case.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COLUMNS:  There are four columns (A-D) provided for input.  One, two, or three columns may be used in each calculation.  One column is used per calculation when there is only one wage earner and the information is transferred to Earner/UC 1 in IBCA.  Two columns are used when there are two wage earners, or one wage earner and possible deemed income.  The information for the second wage earner is transferred to Earner/UC 2 in IBCA, and if there is possible deemed income, the information is transferred to the Deemed Earner/UC in IBCA.  Three columns are used when there are two wage earners and possible deemed income.

The system will combine the incomes after the appropriate deductions are made.  If the deemed income calculation results in a positive amount, that amount is added by the system as unearned income.

Separate columns are not needed for the Eligibility Standard of need determination or for the Gross Maximum need determination.  The IBCA system will automatically make these determinations, based on the information entered in the columns, at the same time it determines the amount of grant.  The Gross Maximum need determination is done for all calculations, but the Eligibility Standard of need determination is done only if requested for the calculation.

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A separate column AND a separate calculation is needed to:

  • Make the needy/not needy determination in a NPCR case,
  • Determine eligibility for Title XIX only group in a combination case,
  • Determine eligibility for Title XIX only for the children in those minor parent deemed income cases which are ineligible for Temporary Assistance cash and Title XIX solely due to deeming of the minor parent's income,
  • Determine Title XIX eligibility for infants under one year of age and pregnant woman at 185% of the federal poverty level,
  • Determine Title XIX eligibility for children 1-5 years of age at 133% of the federal poverty level; and
  • Determine Title XIX eligibility for children age six years or over or custodial parent at 100% of the federal poverty level.
The remaining columns are for use for the prior quarter or budget adjustments.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR DOLLAR ENTRIES:  Leading zeros are not required.  Enter $100.00 as either 100 or 100.00.  If there are cents, use the decimal point and enter the cents.  Enter income of $100.55 as 100.55.

To correct an entry in a dollar field, use the EOF key to erase the incorrect entry before entering the correct amount, or enter the correct amount in the field and use the EOF key to erase the remainder of the incorrect entry.


BUDGET TYPE/NAME:  State the type of budget to indicate the purpose of the budget calculation in the column.  If more than one column is used for the calculation, also enter the name of the individual whose income is being entered in the column.  These individual names are not entered on IBCA.

If the budget type is Poverty, enter 100, 133, or 185 in the POVERTY field on the IBCA, depending on the type of budget to be calculated.

If the budget type is for a non-custodial parent, enter 125% on IBCA.

EFFECTIVE MONTH:  Enter four digits, in each column used, to indicate the effective date for the calculation.  The effective month cannot precede 0482.  The IBCA system uses this date to 

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IM-30 (IBCA), Page 2a

determine the correct percent of need, disregards, rounding procedures, and other policies in effect for the calculation requested.  Appendix A is a table of the effective dates of the historical data IBCA.

ELIGIBILITY STANDARD NEEDS TEST:  Enter "Y" if the Eligibility Standard needs test is required or "N" if it is not required.  This test is required for the month of application and the month following the month of application if not eligible in the month of application.  A "Y" is also required if the purpose of the calculation is to make the needy/not needy NPCR determination or to add an individual with earnings.

NOTE:  The system never allows the $30 + 1/3 or 2/3's deduction for this test.  Therefore, if a member of the assistance group has earnings and is eligible for the $30 + 1/3 or 2/3's deduction, the system is NOT capable of the 100% test when adding a second wage earner who is not eligible for the $30 + 1/3.

NUMBER OF ADULTS:  Enter the number of adults in the assistance group for this calculation.  Leading zeros are not required, but the cursor moves automatically if two characters are entered.  The IBCA system adds the numbers of adults, children under age two, and the children age two and over to determine the correct Consolidated Standard amount.

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IM-30 (IBCA), Page 4

WORK EXPENSE:  Enter "Y" if the individual is eligible for the $90 standard work exemption, otherwise enter "N".  The IBCA system deducts this amount from the earnings.  The code "WKEX" will appear on the results screen if a "Y" is entered in this field and no entry is made in the FT/PT field.

ELIGIBLE FOR $30 + 1/3:  Enter "Y" if the individual is eligible for the $30 + 1/3 deduction, otherwise enter "N".  The IBCA system deducts the appropriate $30 + 1/3 amount.

ELIGIBLE FOR $30 OR 2/3's:  Enter "Y" if the individual is eligible for the $30 deduction or the 2/3's deduction, otherwise enter "N".  The IBCA system deducts $30 from the earnings.  The IBCA system deducts 2/3's from the earnings.

NOTE:  A "Y" cannot be entered in both the $30 + 1/3 and the $30 fields.

DEPENDENT CARE AMOUNT:  Enter the amount paid for dependent care up to the allowable monthly maximum amount.  The IBCA deducts this amount from the earnings.

FT/PT:  This is no longer a required entry.  It will be used for claims only.  Enter "FT" if the employment id full-time.  Enter "PT" if the employment is part-time.  In IBCA enter "Y" or "N" after "FT" and "PT" as appropriate.  This information is used by the system to determine the appropriate standard work exemption, and to assure that the appropriate dependent care maximum is not exceeded.  "Full" or "Part" will appear on the results screen in place of the code "WKEX" if an entry is made in these fields.


SOCIAL SECURITY:  Enter the monthly amount of Social Security income.

CHILD SUPPORT/ALIMONY:  Enter the monthly amount of income from child support/alimony that is to be included for the assistance group.  Subtract the $50 deduction, if applicable, prior to entering the amount in this field.

RAILROAD RETIREMENT:  Enter the monthly Railroad Retirement income.

VA:  Enter the monthly income from the Veterans Administration.

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OTHER INCOME:  Enter any other unearned income not identified above.  Enter the amount of deemed income (not to exceed the Eligibility Standard of need for one person) on those minor parent deemed income cases in which Title XIX only is being determined.


For those minor parent deemed income cases in which Title XIX only for the children is being determined the deemed area is not used.  See Other Income above.

NUMBER OF PERSONS:  Enter the number of persons whose needs must be considered in the deemed calculation.  Leading zeros are not required.  Include the deemer and any other individual's who are living in the home, but whose needs are not taken into account and who are claimed or could be claimed by the deemer as dependents for purposes of federal income tax liability.  This information used to determine the appropriate Consolidated Standard amount for the calculation.

CHILD SUPPORT/ALIMONY PAID:  Enter the amount of court-ordered child support/alimony the deemer actually pays for individuals not living in the household.

CONTRIBUTIONS TO DEPENDENTS:  Enter the amount the deemer actually pays to individuals not living in the household but who are claimed or could be claimed as dependents for federal income tax purposes.

FT/PT:  This is no longer a required entry.  The computer will automatically enter "Y" for full-time.  This entry may be changed if necessary.  This information is used to determine the appropriate standard work exemption for claims only.  Prior to August 1, 1987, only $55.00 is deducted if the employment was part-time.

VERIFICATION:  A space is provided for required verification of the entries.  The back of the form may also be used.  The columns are lettered and the lines are numbered for use in identification of recording.

CASEWORKER:  This area is for the signature of the caseworker completing the form.

WORKER NUMBER:  Enter the worker number of the caseworker signing the form.

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DATE:  Enter the date the form is completed and signed.

SUPERVISOR:  This area is for the signature of the supervisor, if required.

DATE:  Enter the date the supervisor signs the form.


The information from the IM-30 (IBCA) is used for entry on the Add/Change Screen in the IBCA system.  The IM-30 (IBCA) is not a complete budget until the copies of the IBCA Results Screen and Budget Screens are attached.  Those screens contain the results of the calculations, the eligibility decisions based on need, the amount of grant, and the amount of prorated benefits, if applicable.  The eligibility decisions are for transfer to the IM-2 or Modified IM-2; and the budget figures are for transfer to the IM-5.  The IBCA system does NOT automatically transfer the information to the IMU5 system.  However, information can be transferred by a request in the IMU5 system.


WEEK/BI-WEEK:  These abbreviations will appear on the results screen for earners 1 and 2 and also in the deemed income field if an income amount is entered in any of the earned income fields for these individuals.  If 4.333 is chosen of the calculation, the screen will show the average weekly income.  If 2.166 is chosen, it will show the bi-weekly average.  If actual is chosen this field will remain blank.

GROSS INCOME TEST:  This is the Gross Maximum need test.  For poverty cases, it is 185%, 133%, or 100% depending on the type of budget being calculated.  For Non-custodial parent cases, use 125%.  ELIGIBLE or INELIGIBLE appears.

ELIGIBILITY AMOUNT TEST:  ELIGIBLE or INELIGIBLE appears if the Eligibility Standard test was requested, otherwise, N/A appears.  This test is used for applications and for the needy/not needy determination on NPCR cases.

This test is also used when adding individuals with income.  However, the results will be invalid if one earner in the assistance group is eligible for the $30 + 1/3 deduction.

NET INCOME TEST:  This is used for determining the grant amount.  The net income is compared to the appropriate percent of need 

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IM-30 (IBCA), Page 7

for the month entered in Effective Month.  For poverty cases, the net income is compared to 185%, 133%, or 100% of the poverty standard, depending on the type of budget being calculated.  For non-custodial parent cases the net income is compared to 125%.

MONTHLY BENEFIT:  The amount of the monthly benefit appears.  For eligible poverty cases, XIX appears in this field.

NOTE:  For Title XIX only cases and the NPCR needy/not needy calculation, disregard the amount in this field.  The eligibility tests are used to determine eligibility for Title XIX and to make the needy/not needy determination.

PRORATED BENEFIT:  The amount of the prorated benefit appears.  The IBCA system can NOT calculate the prorated benefit when an individual is added to an active case.


PERCENT OF NEED AMOUNT:  Enter this amount in Field 33 on the IM-5.

NOTE:  In poverty cases, this amount will be the same as the 100%, 185%, or the 133% need amount, depending on the type of budget being calculated.

LESS NET INCOME:  Enter this amount in Field 34 of the IM-5.

DEFICIT/SURPLUS:  Enter this amount in Field 35 of the IM-5.  In the IBCA system, a surplus is identified by a minus sign in front of the amount.

GRANT AMOUNT:  For cash cases, enter this amount in Field 36 of IM-5.

GROSS INCOME:  Enter this amount in Field 41 of the IM-5.

PRORATED AMOUNT:  Use this amount to determine the entry in Field 44 of the IM-5.

November 2000

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