The recent Memorandum
IM-#134, dated July 24, 2001, implemented IM policy for the Trafficking
Victims Protection Act of 2000. This policy pertains to the Food
Stamp Program as well.
We want to emphasize the following points:
Make a copy of the certification letter and
return the original to the individual. Accept only the original certification
letter to receive benefits. Do not accept any other explanatory letters.
A copy of the certification letter is attached to Memorandum IM-#134.
Applicants under the provision of the Trafficking
Victims Protection Act of 2000 are not required to provide social security
numbers (SSNs). Do not disqualify a victim of trafficking for failure
to apply for or provide an SSN.
If the household's food stamp certification
expires after the expiration date on the certification letter, set a priority
to redetermine eligibility for the victims of trafficking.
If the individual is no longer eligible under
the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, close the food stamp case
or remove the individual(s) from the food stamp household. Note:
The same procedures apply for earned income reporting and all other reporting
households since the change is known when the individual applies for food