2010 Memorandums

IM-#23      04/02/10

P.O. BOX 2320
INCOME MAINTENANCE MANUAL REVISION #4:  0205.075.00, 0205.075.00.05, 0205.075.05, 0205.075.10, 0205.075.10.05, 0205.075.15, 0205.075.15.05, 0205.075.15.10, 0205.075.15.15, 0205.075.15.20, 0205.075.15.25, 0205.075.15.35, 0205.075.20, 0205.075.20.15, 0205.075.20.20, 0205.075.45, and 0235.055.00


This memorandum reviews the procedures for Temporary Assistance (TA) cases nearing the 60-month lifetime limit and procedures for applicants who have exhausted their 60-month lifetime limit.

A TA case, in which one of the adults in the eligibility unit (EU) has reached his /her 60-month lifetime limit, must be reviewed prior to TA case closure. FAMIS does not automatically close the TA case. The eligibility specialist must determine if the adult(s) is eligible for an exemption or extension of TA benefits if verification has been provided to support their request.

NOTE: Staff must utilize the monthly Temporary Assistance Caseload Listing Report to monitor the months of assistance a participant has used.

All applications taken from individuals who have reached his/her 60-month lifetime limit must be reviewed for a possible exemption or extension. They must still meet all other TA eligibility factors before approval of the application.


FAMIS generates the Temporary Assistance Lifetime Limit Notice (FA-257) to participants at 24, 36, 48, 54, and 58 months receipt of TA benefits. Each letter gives information to the participant on resources available to assist him/her to obtain income/resources to enable him/her to close the TA case, as well as the number of months they have received TA benefits.

The FA-257 issued in the 58th month:

The eligibility specialist reviews the provided information for exemption or extension. If the participant is eligible for an exemption that does not count toward the 60-month lifetime limit, the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen is updated with the appropriate work requirement indicator code and exemption reason. If the participant is not eligible for an exemption that does not count toward the 60-month lifetime limit, the eligibility specialist completes the Extension Or Closing Summary (IM-360A) with his/her recommendation for an extension to the County Manager or Program Manager for review and approval or denial of the extension due to hardship.

NOTE: Extensions should be granted when treatment or services that are being provided for the family situation prevents the individual from successfully participating in work activities. A statement from the participant may be the only way to verify claims of domestic violence.

If the Extension Or Closing Summary (IM-360A) is approved for an extension, the eligibility specialist must update the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen in FAMIS with the correct work requirement indicator code, extension reason, and enter a re-evaluation date. Review the FAMIS User Guide for TA Work Requirement Screen for information on how to enter an exemption or extension on the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen. The Notice Of Temporary Assistance Extension For Hardship Action (IM-363) must be completed and sent to the TA participant to inform them of the approval for extension.

If the Extension Or Closing Summary (IM-360A) is denied for an extension, the eligibility specialist must take the appropriate action to initiate the adverse action for a TA case closure. The Notice Of Temporary Assistance Extension For Hardship Action (IM-363) must be completed and sent to the TA participant to inform them the request for an extension has been denied.

FAMIS updates the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen to “H” (HARDSHIP) work requirement and extension reason of “26” (PENDING REVIEW) and the Time Limit Tracking (TIMETRAK/FM6H) screen to display “26” (REVIEW PENDING) in months where TA is received past the 60-month lifetime limit, beginning in the 61st month.

The eligibility specialist must take action to close the TA case if the participant is not eligible to receive TA benefits past the 60th month.

NOTE: If an individual has a pending MRT disability determination or SSI determination, the work requirement indicator should be coded E (Exempt) and the exemption reason coded 06 (Permanently Disabled). A re-evaluation date within 90 days must be entered.


Local FSD offices must accept all applications made for TA. During the interview, review the Time Limit Tracking (TIMETRAK/FM6H) screen for the adult(s) in the EU to determine total months used. If it is determined that any adult in the EU has reached his/her lifetime limit, then the Extension for Hardship (IM-2EH) form must be completed by the applicant.

The Extension for Hardship (IM-2EH) instructs the applicant to check the box that applies to his/her family situation. The choices include exemption and extension reasons. This form becomes a permanent part of the case record. Staff may assist the applicant with completing the form if necessary during the interview process. The applicant must provide verification to support the exemption or the extension indicated in the Extension for Hardship (IM-2EH) form. The eligibility specialist must evaluate for an exemption reason first, and if not met, evaluate for an extension reason.

To be approved after reaching the 60-month lifetime limit, the EU must meet all eligibility criteria for TA and the criteria for an exemption or extension. If at any time it is determined TA eligibility does not exist, the exemption/extension review process stops and the case is rejected.

If the EU meets all other eligibility criteria for TA, the eligibility specialist reviews the documentation to see if the adult that has reached their 60-month lifetime limit meets an exemption reason that does not count toward the 60-month lifetime limit (Needed in the home to care for a Disabled Individual, Permanently Disabled, or Caretaker Over 60 Years of Age). If he/she meets the criteria for this type of an exemption, the eligibility specialist must update the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen with the appropriate Work Req Ind code and Exempt Rsn and approve the TA case.

If the EU meets all other eligibility criteria for TA and does not meet the criteria for an exemption, the eligibility specialist must complete the Extension Or Closing Summary (IM-360A) with his/her recommendation for the extension to the County Manager or Program Manager for review and approval or denial of the extension due to hardship.

If the Extension Or Closing Summary (IM-360A) is approved for an extension, the eligibility specialist must update the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen in FAMIS with the correct work requirement indicator code and extension reason, and enter a re-evaluation date. The Notice Of Temporary Assistance Extension For Hardship Action (IM-363) must be completed and sent to the TA participant to inform them of the approval for extension.

If the Extension Or Closing Summary (IM-360A) is denied for an extension, the eligibility specialist must take the appropriate action to reject the TA application. The Notice Of Temporary Assistance Extension For Hardship Action (IM-363) must be completed and sent to the TA applicant to inform them the request for an extension has been denied.

FAMIS shows the TA application as pending and sends the eligibility specialist an alert (CLIENT 60 MONTH LIFETIME LIMIT REACHED) when Work Req Ind code H and Extension Rsn 26 are entered on the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen. To satisfy the alert an exemption reason that does not count toward the 60-month lifetime limit (Needed in the home to care for a Disabled Individual, Permanently Disabled, or Caretaker Over 60 Years of Age) or an extension reason (other than 26-Pending Review) must be entered on the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen. If a decision is not reached or verification is not received by the 30th day, FAMIS rejects the application.

Manual Section Updates

Income Maintenance Temporary Assistance/Case Management Manual sections 0205.075.00, 0205.075.00.05, 0205.075.05, 0205.075.10, 0205.075.10.05, 0205.075.15, 0205.075.15.05, 0205.075.15.10, 0205.075.15.15, 0205.075.15.20, 0205.075.15.25, 0205.075.15.35, 0205.075.20, 0205.075.20.15, 0205.075.20.20, 0205.075.45, and 0235.055.00 have been updated to include this information.

The following sections were removed from the Income Maintenance Temporary Assistance/Case Management Manual: 0205.075.15.30, 0205.075.20.05, 0205.075.20.10, 0205.075.25, 0205.075.30, 0205.075.35, 0205.075.40, 0205.075.45.05, 0205.075.45.10, 0300.000.00, 0300.005.00, 0300.010.00 and 0300.015.00.



2010 Memorandums