- TO:
During a Federal Review, it was discovered that some medicals for other programs have been coded incorrectly to the Food Stamp Program. Use the Food Stamp Program codes to pay for the Food Stamp medical only. Do not use this coding for expenses for any other program.
Currently a medical determination is only needed for the Food Stamp Program for a determination of exemption for referral to the Missouri Employment and Training Program (METP) for work registration when the disability is not obvious, and a medical statement is not provided.
- During the application interview, assess each EU member to determine whether the individual is exempt, excluded, or a mandatory work registrant.
- A person who is mentally or physically unable to work, but who is not disabled per Food Stamp definitions is exempt from work registration. These are EU members who are mentally or physically incapable of engaging in gainful employment. In determining physical or mental incapacity preventing employment, use personal judgment as the primary basis for decision. If the EU member is obviously unable to work, no documentary proof is necessary. Type or prompt for code 15 in the Code field and EXE in the Status field on the Employment Assessment (FMMS) screen.
- Obtain a medical statement only if the person does not receive disability benefits from a public or private source, and their claim of incapacity is questionable. If the claim of incapacity is not questionable, enter exemption code 15 on the FMMS screen, and record a comment regarding the decision. Further verification is not required.
- If the claim of incapacity is questionable, advise the EU member claiming incapacity that a medical statement may be required from a physician or licensed or certified psychologist. If the EU member cannot furnish a medical statement, the county may request a medical examination by a designated doctor (the county can pay for the examination).
A separate notice will be sent to counties requiring re-coding of payments.
Currently all counties are waived from the 18-50 Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) work requirement. Should this waiver end, these individuals may need to have disability determined following these guidelines.
- Review this memorandum with all appropriate staff.
- Use the correct coding for payment of medical determinations.
- Do not require verification of incapacity for the Food Stamp Program unless the claim is questionable.