2011 Memorandums

IM-#34      06/20/11

P.O. BOX 2320


Effective July 1, 2011, a revised version of the Case Review System (CRS) is available.  The revisions are designed to assist staff with entering new employees or transferring individuals to new supervision within the CRS.  The current system maintains a list of positions and employees with start and end dates.  The new system eliminates the position and employee lists.  The list of workers and supervisors are built as case reviews are entered.  This memorandum discusses:

Accessing the New CRS

The revised IM Case Review System will be listed on the intranet under Quick Links along with the IM Case Review System-prior to 07/01/2011.  The old CRS will be available for updates and reports through June 30, 2011 only.  After June 30, 2011 supervisors and managers cannot enter a new case review in the old CRS.  Accessing the revised CRS is the same as accessing the old CRS.

User IDs

The revised CRS eliminates the need for multiple user IDs.  Primary user lDs are converted to the new system except the user IDs with existing security access for Employee Maintenance.  Every CRS user has access to perform the Employee Maintenance functions in the revised Case Review System.  Supervisors with multiple user IDs in the old system, use their original user ID to access the new system.  All user IDs are converted with the word "password" as the password.  Log-in using "password" and update to a new password containing at least 6 characters.  Special characters or numbers are not required and passwords do not expire.

Requesting access to the Case Review System and assigning security roles has not changed.  Only staff with Administrator access can update security roles and give access to the CRS.  If you cannot access the new CRS, please email for assistance.

Adding, Updating and Transferring New Staff

The Entering Case Review screen enables supervisors or managers to enter new staff, transfer existing staff to a new county and or update the supervisor and program manager if applicable.  This eliminates the need for Employee Maintenance security access.  Access to enter a case review has not changed. The Case Review Menu is still the starting point for entering a case review.  The following new fields have been added to the Enter Case Review screen:

When entering the first review for an eligibility specialist supervisors or managers must enter the eligibility specialist's complete worker number, last name, and first name.  Saving the first case review adds the eligibility specialist to the Case Review System which causes the system to populate the information for the next review when all or part of the worker number is entered.

NOTE: All eligibility specialists must be entered as a new eligibility specialist when entering the first case review for that worker.  A list of the eligibility specialist's worker numbers will be needed when entering case reviews.

When entering the first review for a new supervisor the reviewer must enter the supervisor's complete worker number, last name and first name.  Saving the first case review adds the supervisor to the Case Review System which causes the system to populate the information for the next review when all or part of the supervisor's worker number is entered.

NOTE:  All supervisors must be entered as a new supervisor when entering the first case review for that supervisor.

To update or transfer staff known to the system complete the field(s) that need updated on the Enter Case Review screen:

Complete the review and save.  Once a review is saved the employee information is updated in the Case Review System.

For specific instructions see User Guide CRS Data Entry Form section Adding a Case Review.

Compliance Staffing

The Compliance Staffing function option adds or removes staff that is displayed on the Supervisor Compliance Report.  Prior to entering a case review for an eligibility specialist or supervisor they will not appear on the Supervisor Compliance Report unless they are added using the Compliance Staffing option on the Case Review menu.  If a review has been entered for a new, transferred or promoted worker, they are automatically populated in the Compliance Staffing and will display on the Supervisory Compliance Report.  When an individual transfers to another county, promotes or is no longer employed, end date them on the Compliance Staffing to remove them from the previous supervisor's compliance report.

To Add, End or Delete an individual in the Compliance Staffing function:

For specific instructions see User Guide CRS Data Entry Form section Compliance Staffing.


The revised CRS affects any report that is currently based on Reviewer instead of Supervisor.  An example would be the Response Due report. For these reports, the staffing levels on the report would be based on the worker instead of the reviewer.  In the old system, the reviewer and the supervisor were in the employee table and linked to a position.  Based on that position, the report could display using the reviewer and his/her program manager, office and region or it could display with the supervisor’s program manager, office and region.  With the new system there is no employee or position table, so the report can only be printed based on the program manager, office and region of the worker/supervisor entered on the review.  There is still the option of showing the supervisor or the reviewer, but the program manager, office and region will always be based on the worker/supervisor.

The Supervisor's Compliance Report is now based on case readings for the staff listed in the compliance table.  Because position numbers are eliminated vacant positions will no longer populate on the report.  All other reports remain the same.


PERforMs completed for 2011 will require reports from January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011 from the old Case Review System.   Reports beginning July 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 will be accessed from the revised Case Review System.

Maintaining the Case Review System

All users that have access to enter a case review have the ability to update employees within the Case Review System either by entering a case review or updating the Compliance Staffing table.  Accessing the Compliance Staffing table adds the worker to the Supervisor Compliance Report only.

The following User Guides are available:

Complete the following steps to access the User Guides:



2011 Memorandums