2012 Memorandums

IM-#29      03/19/12

P.O. BOX 2320


Memorandum IM-# 22 03/14/2012, introduced the Food Stamp Internet application which has a planned availability date of March 26, 2012. The purpose of this memorandum is to explain:

Requests for Applications for Food Stamp Benefits

When a call is received requesting a Food Stamp application staff must inform the caller about all of the methods available to make an application. Applications may be made by:

Staff must advise callers that benefits start from the date of application which is the date the application is received in an FSD office with at least a name, address and signature. Staff must not suggest that one method of completing an application is preferred over another.

Accepting Internet Applications

Once an Internet application is completed and submitted it is sent to the web load. An email is sent to the primary worker assigned to the web load.

Any FSD staff person designated as primary or secondary on the web load may view the Web application Search (FWH0) screen in FAMIS. Web Application Search displays the type of application (MO HealthNet, MA, or Food Stamps, FS), if the application may be expedited, and if a partial application has been submitted.

FWH0 screen

Applications that have a "Y" in the XPD (expedited) field or "P" in the Part (partial) field require immediate attention.  These applications may be expedited and require staff to make the expedited detemination the same day as the request is received. If the application is submitted after regular business hours, on a weekend, or State holiday the expedited determination is made the next working day.  The web application does not distinguish between initial applications and recertifications so the Web Application Search screen may show the application as potentially expedited when it is a recertification.  Staff must make a determination of expedited.  See memorandum IM-#70  dated December 9, 2011 and Food Stamp Manual section 1125.025.00 Steps To Process Expedited Eligible Applications for additional information.

Select the applicant and press F6=DETAILS to arrive at the Web Application Details (FWH1) screen where information entered on the web application is displayed for each Eligibility Unit (EU) member.  Web Application Details (FWH1) shows the head of the EU and the EU members. Additional information displayed is the application number, type of assistance the EU is applying for, date of birth, and gender of each EU member.

FWH1 Screen

If the applicant is known to FAMIS, the EU members are the same, and everything is correct, the screen displays the members' DCNs and the Supercase number.  The designee can then press F20=SNDFAMIS to send the information to FAMIS.

If the household members and address are not known to FAMIS, press F23=SCMBRCLR to clear the supercase address and assign a supercase number.  FAMIS populates the address on Supercase Member Clearance (FM0E).  Press F15=CLRADDRESS.  The message "Address Successfully Cleared" displays on the bottom of the screen.

FM0E Screen

If the address is not CD1P correct, staff must determine the correct address and enter it on the screen.  If the address exists but with different EU members or existing EU members, select the address to bring over to the Supercase Member Clearance (FM0E) and determine if the entire EU has moved or just certain EU members.  See FAMIS User Guide Change of Address for complete details.  To continue the process, press F14=CLRCLT.

FWH1 Screen

The head of the EU's information is brought to the Social Services Clearing Menu (SCLR).  Information entered on the web application is automatically populated on the Social Services Clearing Menu (SCLR) except for race and ethnicity.  To determine race and ethnicity of the EU members, review the WB102, Application Summary.  This can be done by printing the Application Summary, or opening another FAPC session and toggling between session using Ctrl/Tab until all of the EU members have been cleared.  Follow established clearing procedures to assign the EU member a DCN.

SCLR Screen

NOTE: Care must be taken prior to assigning a DCN to avoid issuing a duplicate DCN.  Review the name, date of birth, and SSN (if available) prior to assigning a DCN

When the first household member is cleared and added to the supercase, press F20=WEBSEARCH to return to Web Application Details (FWH1).  Tab to the first EU member without a DCN and enter an equal (=) sign in the blank DCN field.  Do not enter =F4.  Press F24=NXCLRCLT, the EU member's information is brought to the Social Service Clearing menu (SCLR) where the eligibility specialist may assign the DCN.  Repeat this process until all of the EU members have been cleared and assigned a DCN.

FWH1 Screen

When all of the EU members have been assigned a DCN, press F20=SNDFAMIS to send the information to FAMIS and enter the application request. If the eligibility unit is known to FAMIS, the DCNs will be populated and no further action is needed.  The application is now ready to be sent to and registered in FAMIS.  Press F20=SNDFAMIS to send the information and register the application.

FWH1 Screen

The message "Information successfully sent to FAMIS" is displayed on the bottom of the screen.  The designee completes Application Details (FM13) and then assigns the web application to an eligibility caseload.

Processing Internet Applications

Once the application is sent to FAMIS and assigned to a caseload the eligibility specialist receives the alert, "Filed Application Requires Action" on the Alert/Reminder (FM7M) screen. The eligibility specialist types "S" next to the reminder to be resolved and presses F15=REVIEW. The application request (FM0G) screen displays. The date of application is the date it is submitted by the applicant. The 'How Received" field is populated with 'WB' to indicate the application was submitted electronically.

The controlled flow for a web application is the same as for any other application with the exception that a new Web Interface (FWH2 or WEBINTER) screen appears in the controlled flow. The Web Interface (FWH2) screen is similar to the TA/MA/FS Reinvestigation Factor (FM4Z) screen used to complete reviews. The Web Interface (FWH2) screen displays the DCN and name of each household member along with the class and type of reported information and the source and amount for income, resources, and expenses.

FWH2 Screen

Staff may press F18=SENDALL to send the information to FAMIS. The F18=SENDALL function is useful for new applications where the members are not known to FAMIS. EUs known to FAMIS will have existing information such as shelter, medical, or dependent care expenses updated. Some information such as citizenship, income, income expenses, and resources are not sent to FAMIS and must be reviewed individually. If income, income expenses, and resources exist in FAMIS, sending this information will result in a duplication of the data. The eligibility specialist completes the remaining controlled flow through the normal process.


The following table illustrates enhancements and changes to FAMIS and Food Stamp policy.

Enhancement/Change FAMIS Policy
Web Application Search (FWH0) Additional fields are added to identify the type of application (Food Stamp or MO HealthNet), expedited applications, and partial applications. Policy change to allow expediting of an application with proof of identity and postpone for the interview.
Web Application Details (FWH1) Supercase and member clearance information is automatically transferred to SCMBR and SCLR. No change to policy.
Web Interface (FWH2) The class and type of each income, expense, and resource is displayed for review.
Send all feature is added.
No change to policy.
Auto Register Application Automatically registers applications with SCNs, DCNs, and matching addresses in the overnight batch process. No change to policy.
Alert/Reminder List (FM7M) Additional filters are added to display web applications and change reports for the county or Customer Service Center. No change to policy.
Document Queue (FMVM) Additional filters are added allowing staff to search for notices and documents by an application number.
The ability to go to Document History (FMVR) with an FKey and bring over populated information.
No change to policy.
Web Load Web load is created as a staging area for web applications.
Email notification is sent to the primary worker when a web application is received.
No change to policy.
Food Stamp only application – relationship waived Relationship is waived so the application can be screened for expedited eligibility. No change to policy.
Food Stamp application with name, address, and signature only An automated notice, the WB147, Web Application Notice is sent to the applicant alerting them additional information is needed to complete the application process and to contact the county office or Customer Service Center within ten (10) days. No change to policy.


On-line training for Food Stamp Internet applications is made available through the Employee Learning Center. The training is entitled Web Application and Change Processing Online course number FS000185. The training is required for all eligibility specialists, but is strongly recommended for all support staff, supervisors, and managers. The anticipated availability date for the training is March 19th. The primary worker on the web load must complete the training no later than March 23rd.

Manual Revisions

All manual sections addressing Food Stamp application processes are revised. The revisions include updated processes and notices. The user guides Processing Internet Applications and Accepting Internet Applications are revised to reflect these changes. Web Application Questions and Answers were developed to address basic questions about web application and web application procedures.



2012 Memorandums