- TO:
- FSD IM ITrackRS Rollout Schedule
FSD Integrated Tracking and Report System (ITrackRS) is FSD IM new web-based system which will replace FSD IM Field Office Reception Logs. ITrackRS is a method to capture information consistently across the state. Multiple users can access ITrackRS allowing an office to efficiently verify daily reception activities, voter registration tasks and reconciliation reports. Many other useful reports can be generated from ITrackRS, for example each Field Office will be able to monitor trends and staffing requirements by utilizing ITrackRS reporting capabilities.
During the ITrackRS training phase, Field Staff will train on ITrackRS training application at the following intranet address: https://dsswebappt2/ItrackRS/ (ctrl + click to follow link to the ITrackRS training application). Upon completion of ITrackRS training, Field Staff will be given the intranet address to access ITrackRS production application. Only the ITrackRS training application intranet address is listed so that Field Staff don't accidentally start training on the ITrackRS production application.
Mandatory that each FSD IM Regions create a rollout schedule in which their respective Field Offices are fully trained and utilizing ITrackRS by December 1, 2012.
Prior to August 16, 2012 any problems with ITrackRS application should be addressed first to each Regions ITrackRS trainer(s). Any issues ITrackRS trainers cannot resolve will be emailed to the following ITSD email address: DSS.ITSD.ServerApps@dss.mo.gov.
After August 16, 2012 all issues with ITrackRS must be submitted to ITSD via JIRA tickets.
JIRA help ticket process: Any problems with ITrackRS will be reported using ITSD's JIRA web-based application. JIRA application can be accessed at the following internet address: https://jira.state.mo.us/secure/Dashboard.jspa.
When staff encounters issues with ITrackRS they should follow the following protocol:
- First, contact their supervisor to resolve any issues,
- Second, contact their assigned ITrackRS Trainer to resolve any issues, and
- Third, contact their Region JIRA's Point-of-Contact who will determine if a JIRA help ticket is submitted.
The Regions JIRA's Point-of-Contacts will logon to the JIRA application and submit a help ticket when FSD IM staff cannot resolve ITrackRS issues. The FSD IM Regional Administrators are responsible for the following:
- Determine their JIRA's Point-of-Contacts,
- Train their Point-of-Contacts on both JIRA and ITrackRS, and
- Notify ITSD through their Local Security Officers (via ASAP) with any changes in their respective Point-of-Contacts.
ITSD will communicate directly with the JIRA's Point-of-Contact when ITrackRS issues are resolved, and the JIRA's Point-of-Contact will then forward solutions to the applicable office staff(s).
An ITrackRS User Manual will be available by September 1, 2012.
- Review this memorandum with appropriate staff.