The FPAY instructions are revised to reflect the current FPAY screen.  The revisions include current EBT information.  Issuance information prior to EBT is also included, as FPAY shows information from the last three years.

The FPAY instructions are located in the IM-105, FSU5 instructions in the Forms Manual.  File the FPAY instructions in Appendix E of the IM-105, FSU5 instructions.

  • Review this memorandum with all appropriate staff.

  • File a copy of the FPAY instructions in the Forms Manual.
Distribution #3

[ 1999 Memorandums ]

IM-105, FSU5 Instructions, Appendix E, Page 1 


PURPOSE:  The FPAY screen enables staff to view the latest information on the status of a current food stamp issuance and the final disposition of prior issuances.  FPAY is an informational screen only.


DESCRIPTION OF FIELDS ON FPAY:  When a food stamp issuance is made to a participant, the system updates the FPAY screen with all of the identifying information regarding the issuance.  Up to 36 months of issuance information is stored on FPAY.

ISSUE MONTH:  The month and year of intended use is stated in this field.

PAYROLL:  The type of payroll on which the issuance was processed is shown as follows:
 REG - for regular
 SUP - for supplemental
 EME - for emergency
    *MUP - for the next subsequent month of a combined allotment.
*The MUP payroll is not used after April 15, 1997.

AMOUNT:  This is the amount of allotment the participant received.  (If recoupment was made, it is the amount remaining after recoupment.)

PROCESS DATE:  This is the date the issuance was processed in the data system.

RECOUP:  The amount of dollars recouped from a participant's allotment to repay a claim is shown in this field.

ISSUE NUMBER:  The identification number for the food stamp issuance is shown in this field.  Each authorization is assigned an issue number.

ATP:  A "T" in this field indicates that the identified ATP card was transacted.  If there is no "T", the card was not transacted.  This field is not used for EBT issuances.
August 1999

IM-105, FSU5 Instructions, Appendix E, Page 2

R (Reason):  A letter listed in this column indicates which FISU reason was used to authorize the issuance.  (Refer to the IM-106B instructions for the reason codes.)  If an "X" appears in the reason column, it indicates an aged benefit that was reissued using the FAGE screen.  If a "Z" appears in the reason column, it indicates a negative balance on a claim that has been reissued to the participant.

STATUS CODE:  The issuance status is reflected in this field.  The possible status codes are:

A - (EBT only)  This code is used to indicate a benefit that has aged out of the EBT account.  Part or all of this benefit had not been accessed in 90 or more days.  The amount of the benefit that has aged appears in the C/A AMT field.

E - (EBT only)  This code indicates a benefit that has not been accessed for one year.  The benefit is permanently canceled (expunged), and may not be added back to the EBT account. The canceled/expunged benefit amount appears in the CAN/AMT field.

P - (EBT only)  This code is used when a participant repays a claim using an aged benefit.  The amount of benefit repaid  is the same as the aged amount.

W/S (Wage Supplementation only)  This code is used when the household participates in the wage supplementation program.   The food stamp benefit is diverted to the employer to assist with the participant's wages.

C - ATP, Direct Mail Issuance -DMI, and EBT)  The "C" for canceled occurs when county staff make a pull request through FPUL or enter an FSU5 closing two days prior to the availability date on EBT.  The cancel code occurred for the next month's benefit (prior to EBT, for ATP and DMI issuance) when county staff made a pull request through FPUL or entered an FSU5 closing prior to the last day of the current month.

U - (DMI)  The Mail Issuance Unit entered a "U" when undeliverable coupons were returned to State Office.  They also entered a "U" when a homeless/transient issuance sent to the county office was returned to Mail Issuance at the end of each month.
August 1999

IM-105, FSU5 Instructions, Appendix E, Page 3

 (ATP)  Designated metropolitan county staff entered a "U" when an undeliverable ATP card was received in the county office.  The Data Management staff entered a "U" when a homeless/transient issuance sent to the county office was returned to Mail Issuance at the end of the month.

D - (ATP only)  Designated metropolitan county staff entered a "D" when a previously undeliverable ATP card was delivered to the participant.
L - (DMI only)  The Mail Issuance Unit entered an "L" (lost in mail) when they received an IM-113 form.  The "L" was either replaced by an "R" if replacement was made, or a "U" if the coupons were returned to Mail Issuance prior to replacement.  If replacement was denied, the "L" remained on the screen.
R - (DMI only)  The Mail Issuance Unit entered an "R" after they replaced an issuance due to the submission of an IM-113 form.  The "R" code replaced the previous "L" code.  (If the original issuance was later returned to the MI Unit, the "R" was deleted so that the issuance is not counted as a replacement.)
Codes U, D, L, and R do not apply to EBT issuances, therefore are not used after implementation of EBT.

STATUS DATE:  The date the last status code action was taken is entered.  A date will not appear for status codes A, E, or P.

CM:  An "X" in this column indicates the issuance was sent certified mail.  This field is not used for EBT issuances.

PAY CO:  This is the pay county at the time the issuance was processed.

LOAD:  The load number at the time the issuance was processed is shown.

AVAIL/MAIL DATE:  (EBT only)  The date the benefits are available for use by the participant is shown.  Benefits are available at 6:00 a.m. CST.

(ATP or DMI)  The date the benefits are mailed to the participant is entered.

CNV:  A "V" in this field indicates the benefit was converted from EBT to food stamp coupons to be used out of the state of Missouri.

August 1999

IM-105, FSU5 Instructions, Appendix E, Page 4

C/A AMT:  The amount of benefit that was converted or aged is shown.  If a "V" code is in the CNV field, the amount in this field indicates the amount of the benefit that was converted to coupons.  If an "A" code is in the Status Code field, the amount in this field indicates the amount of the benefit that aged out of the account.

CAN/AMT:  The amount of benefit that was canceled/expunged from the EBT account is shown.  The code "E" in the Status Code field identifies the amount in this field as canceled/expunged.
August 1999