IM-150 12/01/98 |
Introduction of the Case Management Provider |
IM-151 12/01/98 |
January Adjustments to Food Stamp Cases
Due to Increases in SSA and SSI |
IM-152 12/01/98 |
Increase in Allotments and the Spousal
Share |
IM-153 12/01/98 |
Increase in Veteran's Administration (VA)
Benefits |
IM-154 12/01/98 |
Structured Family Assistance Program |
IM-155 12/01/98 |
County Office Checklist for Quality Control
Sample Pull |
IM-156 12/04/98 |
Schedule of Payroll Closing Dates, First
Quarter 1999 |
IM-157 12/02/98 |
Determining Available, Suitable, and Affordable
Child Care |
IM-158 12/03/98 |
Self-Sufficiency Pacts |
IM-159 12/07/98 |
Marketing Tools for Wage Supplementation
and Direct Job Placement |
IM-160 12/04/98 |
Supportive Services Payroll Closing for
1999 |
IM-161 12/04/98 |
Clarification of Child Care Evening/Weekend
Rate Differential, Payments, and Sliding Fees |
IM-162 12/09/98 |
January 1999 Cost of Living Adjustment
(COLA); Income Maintenance Programs |
IM-163 12/11/98 |
Forms Manual Revision #35: Report Number
FIM31147-01, Support Payments Monthly Report |
IM-164 12/15/98 |
Matches to Prevent Receipt of Food Stamps
by Incarcerated Individuals |
IM-165 12/15/98 |
Forms Manual Revision #36: Revised IM-24,
Wage Supplement Agreement; IM-27, Wage Supplementation Certification Screening;
and FP-20 Wage Supplementation Participation Agreement, and Instructions |
IM-166 12/17/98 |
Temporary Assistance Manual Revision -
#11 |
IM-167 12/18/98 |
FISU (IM-106B) Entry Capability |
IM-168 12/18/98 |
Change in System Tracking of Direct Job
Placement |
IM-169 12/18/98 |
Forms Manual Revision #37 Revised IM-105
Food Stamp Data Transmittal Sheet and Instructions, Pages 22-23;
FS-1, Application for Benefits-Food Stamp Only, Appendix A, FEXP-Expedited
Service Determination Screen Instructions, Pages 2, 3-3a |
IM-170 12/29/98 |
Income Maintenance Memorandums - October
and November 1998 |
IM-171 12/23/98 |
Food Stamp Work Registration Code Changes |
IM-172 12/24/98 |
Year 2000 Compliance for Child Care Systems |
IM-173 12/29/98 |
Pay Phone Use for Toll Free Calls |
IM-174 12/29/98 |
Medical Assistance for Families Resource
and DPS Requirements |
IM-175 12/29/98 |
Changes in Insured Definition Forms Manual
Revision #38: IM-1UA - Application for MC+ |
IM-176 12/29/98 |
MC+ for Uninsured Non-Custodial Parents
(125% of Federal Poverty Level) Forms Manual Revision #39: IM-1UA (NCP)
and Instructions |
IM-177 12/30/98 |
Food Stamp Cases Inadvertently Omitted
from the COLA Adjustments |
IM-178 12/31/98 |
MC+ Uninsured Custodial Parents;
Forms Manual Revision #40: IM-32MC, IM-33MC, IM-33MCC and Instructions |
IM-179 12/31/98 |
Forms Manual Revision #41: Self-Sufficiency
Pact |