Effectively immediately, participants
can use AGED benefits to repay a food stamp claim. This process is
separate from the voluntary repayment procedure being developed for repayment
of a claim using available benefits.
This memorandum outlines the process to
follow when a participant has aged food stamp benefits and notifies the
agency that s/he wishes to apply that amount to a food stamp claim.
The county office must take the following action.
The participant must sign a release form,
"Aged Food Stamp Benefit Repayment Form", IM-111, to authorize use of aged
benefits for repayment of a food stamp claim. A copy of the release
form is provided with this memorandum.
County office staff must complete the form
and verify a claim has been established.
If no claim has been established, staff must
establish the claim and enter it into the CARS system prior to sending
the claim repayment information to Central Office.
Verify the participant has aged food stamp
benefits using the FAGE screen. Print the FAGE screen information.
NOTE: Do not reissue the aged benefit via FAGE.
Circle the aged benefit the participant wishes
to repay. NOTE: Participants must repay using the entire aged
benefit amount. For example, a participant has aged benefits of $67.50
and $122. S/he can repay either $67.50, $122.00, or $189.50.
No other amount will be accepted.
Complete a CARS-2 form following the form
instruction procedures.
Fax the FAGE screen, release form, and CARS-2
form to the Food Stamp Program and Policy Unit in Central Office, ATTN.:
Rachel Morris, at (573)522-4333.
Central Office staff ensures the aged benefit
is removed from the FAGE screen and the payment is posted in the CARS system.
FPAY is updated to show the amount repaid. The code "P" for REPAID
will show in the status code field. "P=Repaid" is added at the bottom
of FPAY in the status code listing. The amount of the aged benefit
remains in the C/A AMT field as it is always the amount that is repaid.
A revision of the FPAY instructions in the IM Forms Manual will be made
in the near future.
The IM-111 form is being printed and, upon
completion, an initial supply will be sent to all county offices.
Additional supply can be requested using normal supply request procedures. |