Prevention of Blindness Policy Manual

Prevention of Blindness Program – Administration


The Prevention of Blindness Program (POB) of Rehabilitation Services for the Blind (RSB) of the Family Support Division (FSD) is a statewide program. The vision restoration program provides medically-indigent Missourians of all ages with a resource in securing medical treatment for the prevention and cure of blindness. Services are provided to individuals who meet the residential, financial and visual eligibility guidelines.  POB also provides outreach and screening services through its glaucoma screening program, and by coordinating full-scale eye clinics.


The legal basis for POB services is found in Chapter 209, Section 209.010, Revised Statutes of Missouri (RSMo). This section states in part, “The duties of said Division shall be … to adopt such measures as the division may deem expedient for the prevention and cure of blindness:”


The POB program is located in the State Office of RSB. The coordinator of POB has responsibility for determining eligibility and for providing services to eligible individuals, for promoting and conducting screening clinics for eye pathology, and for maintaining records used by the POB program.


POB staff will work in close cooperation with FSD county offices. County offices will refer persons who require eye care to POB and report any changes in the client’s situation that occur after the referral. Financial eligibility for POB services will be based on information supplied by FSD county offices. County offices assist in the operation of eye clinics in their counties and in obtaining suitable locations for eye clinics. POB staff will inform county offices regarding action taken on all referrals received. (See Section IX – Public Assistance Manual.)


Exceptions to policies contained in this manual may be made by the deputy director, RSB.


All personal information of an applicant, client, or former client of POB may be used only for purposes directly connected with administration of the POB program and the provision of services.  The POB program operates in accordance with HIPAA and FSD confidentiality regulations and policies.


An applicant or client of POB has the right to appeal any action regarding the provision or denial of services.  The first appeal of a disputed decision must be made in writing to the POB coordinator within twenty (20) working days of the disputed decision.  The POB coordinator must respond to the appeal within ten (10) working days.  If the client is not satisfied with the decision, an appeal may be made in writing to the deputy director, RSB or his/her designee within ten (10) working days.  The Deputy Director or designee must respond with a final decision within ten (10) working days.


Eligibility requirements for POB are applied without regard to gender, race, creed, color, age, disability, or national origin of the individuals applying for services.