1060.000.00 Disability (PTD Eligibility Criteria)

1060.005.25 Disability Re-determinations

IM-77 May 16, 2019; IM-44 September 4, 2014; IM-153 December 20, 2005IM-116 October 5, 2005

When MRT has waived re-examination, further evaluation on this factor is unnecessary unless:

  • There has been improvement to the extent a re-determination of medical eligibility is advisable
  • There is a future review date set by MRT

NOTE:  If there is an expected review date listed on the MRT waived decision for within 12 months of the annual review due date or re-application date, submit medical information to MRT. See 1060.005.00 Verification of Disability.

The MRT decision regarding continued disability is completed outside of the eligibility reinvestigation process. Do not wait for the annual review eligibility decision to complete a medical re-determination. These are two separate determinations.

When MRT approves the claimant for a specific period of time (for example, one year), obtain the MRT packet information early enough so the necessary information is available to MRT two weeks before the date specified. Ensure the packet is received by the MRT sufficiently early to allow the Processing Center time to request and obtain the needed medical data for MRT.

NOTE:  A Hearing decision reversing the agency’s disability determination is valid until the next redetermination, unless otherwise specified in the decision.