A family must have received and been eligible for MAF (with or without cash) in at least three of the last six months immediately preceding the first month of MAF ineligibility. The family must have met all MAF eligibility criteria in the three months and have been approved for MC+ healthcare coverage on that basis. Months of prior quarter MAF are included in the three months needed to establish eligibility for Transitional Medical Assistance.
A family determined ineligible for MAF in the month of application due to one of the reasons in Section 0910.010.00 may receive Transitional Medical Assistance if eligible for prior quarter coverage. In this situation, approve the MAF application beginning MC+ healthcare coverage at the earliest date eligibility existed in the prior quarter (the family does not need unpaid medical expenses to qualify for this coverage). Close the MAF case the next day and change to Transitional Medical Assistance.
In determining whether the assistance group meets three of the last six months MAF receipt requirement, review the six months ending with the last month the MAF group correctly received MAF. Transitional Medical Assistance eligibility begins the month following the last correctly received MAF.
EXAMPLE: Ms. Green reports July 25 she went to work on the 21st. Ms. Green is a caretaker relative whose earnings cause ineligibility. To stop MAF eligibility an advance notice is necessary. Ms. Green correctly receives MAF in August. If Ms. Green correctly received MAF in three months during the period of March through August, she is eligible for Transitional Medical Assistance (assuming all other eligibility requirements are met). The first month of Transitional Medical Assistance eligibility is September.
Months of eligibility based on MC+ (for children, custodial parents, non-custodial parents, pregnant women, etc.) eligibility do not qualify a family for Transitional Medical Assistance.