To qualify for Transitional Medical Assistance, an individual must be a member of the MAF assistance group or eligible as an SSI child at the time the case is closed. Thus, if a parent or dependent child who is not an original assistance group member moves into the household during the Transitional Medical Assistance eligibility period, that person is not eligible (even though their needs and earned income are used to complete the budget in the second six months).
However, if an assistance group member gives birth during the Transitional Medical Assistance period, that member’s child may be eligible as a newborn as long as those criteria are met.
If a child, who is a MAF assistance group member when the case is closed, moves out of the household, is removed from the case, then moves back in, that child can regain eligibility for Transitional Medical Assistance as long as the assistance group remains eligible. If the case is closed because the child leaves, or is closed for some other reason before the child returns, the assistance group may not regain eligibility for Transitional Medical Assistance for the original time period.