Eligibility for this program cannot be determined until a MO HealthNet for Pregnant Women application has been submitted, processed, and denied for excessive income or citizenship.
NOTE: If a pregnant woman is denied for MPW due to failure to cooperate, she is not eligible to be screened for SMHB.
Eligibility guidelines for the Show-Me Healthy Babies program are:
- The participant must be an unborn child (see 1855.020.10 Unborn Child)
- Resident of Missouri (see 1855.020.20 Resident of Missouri)
- Need (see 1855.020.30 Need)
- Uninsured (see 1855.020.40 Uninsured)
- No access to employer-sponsored insurance (see 1855.020.50 Employer-Sponsored Insurance) or affordable private insurance (see 1855.020.60 Private Insurance) which includes maternity benefits
- Parent of unborn child cannot be eligible for any other MO HealthNet programs (see 1855.020.70 Ineligible for Any Other MO HealthNet Programs)
NOTE: A Social Security number is not a factor of eligibility for the pregnant mother or other household members. While obtaining a social security number is not a factor of eligibility, the social security number should be requested as it may be necessary to verify income.
NOTE: Citizenship is based on the unborn child. Since the child will be born in Missouri, they will be a United States citizen. Household composition is determined based on the child.