IM-34 April 20, 2015, IM-81 September 10, 2013
Section 208.040 RSMo states that to be eligible for MAF, a child must be under the age of 19 years. Refer to Section 0205.020.00
RSMo 208.151.1 effective August 28, 2013, allows individuals under the age of 26 who had been in foster care on the day they turned 18 or the 30 days prior, who are rejected for or lose eligibility for MO HealthNet through the Family Support Division (FSD) to be eligible for healthcare coverage through the Children’s Division.
Determine the applicant’s eligibility for MO HealthNet coverage through the FSD. If they are ineligible for FSD coverage, refer the former foster care individual to the Children’s Division for coverage.
EXCEPTION: Uninsured Women’s Health Services (UWHS) or Extended Women’s Health Services (EWHS) do not provide full MO HealthNet benefits. When an applicant/participant is eligible for either of these programs, they must be referred for full healthcare coverage through the Children’s Division.
If the application for MO HealthNet coverage is rejected or approved for UWHS, it is the responsibility of the applicant to respond to a paragraph included on the MO HealthNet notice. The paragraph in the notices serves as the FSD referral to the Children’s Division. The notices direct individuals to contact the MO HealthNet open enrollment broker by telephone to 800-348-6627, or the Children’s Division at or by telephone to 573-522-8024.
If the applicant is eligible for coverage through FSD and they are currently receiving ME 38 coverage through Children’s Division do not reject the application. Send an email, with a subject line of AC ME 38 – NEEDS TO BE CLOSED to Include the applicant’s name, DCN, and current address.