IM-01 January 3, 2005
Use the rules in this section for the specified types of income.
INCOME RECEIVED LESS OFTEN THAN MONTHLY: Annualize income regularly received on a recurring basis less frequently than monthly, such as quarterly payments or annual income, (dividends, etc.).TIPS: Consider tips received as wages. Actual tips received may differ from tips reported by the employer for tax purposes.CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT (CSE) INTERCEPTS / UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION (UC) BENEFITS: Consider the full UC amount, before the CSE interception is deducted, as the individual’s income. When UC is garnished due to past overpayment use the amount left after garnishment.REGULAR PAY DATE NOT OBSERVED: If the participant has regular PAY Dates, (i.e. Social Security, VA, State Employees, etc.,) but occasionally is paid early or late, consider such income in the month normally received.CONTRACTUAL INCOME: Policy is the same as Temporary Assistance. Refer to Section 0210.015.20.05.SELF-EMPLOYMENT: Policy is the same as Temporary Assistance. Refer to Section 0210.015.20.10 – 0210.015.25.OASDI BENEFITS RECEIVED BY A REPRESENTATIVE PAYEE: Policy is the same as Temporary Assistance. Refer to Section 0210.015.20.15.