The following are core unpaid educational activities. The Temporary Assistance (TA) recipient should be placed in one of these activities when he/she meets the criteria for the activity.
1. Vocational Education and Training: This unpaid activity includes any formalized training program that prepares TA recipients for current or emerging occupations. This training must lead to a certificate, license, or degree. TA recipients are limited to participating in this activity for 12 months in their lifetime for Missouri Work Assistance (MWA) program purposes. (He/she can continue to attend school, but must complete the required participation hours in other work activities.) This core activity can also be used to meet non-core work participation requirements. See 0275.050.00 Vocational Education and Training Work Activity (Core).
NOTE: This activity can be as beneficial as any employment activity.
2. Satisfactory Attendance in High School/GED: This unpaid activity is allowed for teen parents, up to the month s/he turns age 20, who has not obtained a high school diploma or GED. Activities include: high school, home schooling (where the recipient is the student), GED preparatory classes and testing, and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) classes. This is a core activity. The TA recipient can be “deemed” as meeting participation hours if they attend a full course of instruction in a secondary school. See 0275.055.00 Satisfactory School Attendance.
NOTE: Teen parents are required to participate in this activity. In rare cases, the teen parent may participation in other activities, but is required to complete the same hours as any other adult.