(CD13-35, OEC13-05 dated April 26, 2013), (CD12-33, OEC12-06 dated March 15, 2012)
Continue a participant’s eligibility through the following semester when:
The cumulative GPA is not an accurate reflection of the participant’s current progress. Use the current semester’s grade report, along with documented reasons of performance difficulties, to determine the eligibility for a semester extension. Hard copy documentation is the required method of verification.EXAMPLE: The participant’s grades in the third semester caused his/her cumulative GPA to decrease. During this time, the participant’s child was hospitalized, and the participant was unable to attend classes. Participant provided hospital admittance and discharge forms. Because of these circumstances, the cumulative average may not accurately reflect the participant’s progress.A participant’s grade point drops below 2.0 for one semester, and extenuating circumstances exist. Hard copy documentation is the required method of verification.EXAMPLE: The participant has a 2.0 GPA at the end of the summer semester. During the winter semester, her car breaks down, and it takes several weeks for it to be repaired. Participant provided copies of two and repair bills. Her classes are fifteen (15) miles from her home, and she has no alternate transportation. There is no public transportation in her area as verified by city and bus route maps. The missed classes result in her grade point for the winter semester falling to 1.5. This results in a lowering of her cumulative average to 1.75.
In both cases, gather all pertinent information and determine if the participant is eligible for an extension to provide an opportunity to improve his/her academic performance and raise the cumulative GPA to a satisfactory level.
Make a comment off the CCNEED (FMAC) screen in FAMIS if it is determined that an extension is warranted. Include the reason child care was extended although the client’s GPA for the previous semester did not meet the definition of satisfactory progress.
If the child care is extended, set a reminder in FAMIS on the FM7M (ALREMIND) screen to request the grade report at the end of the next semester. It is not permissible to set these reminders in Outlook.
Review the participant’s grade report when it is received. Take action to close the case if the participant’s GPA stays below 2.0 for two (2) consecutive semesters. If the participant’s GPA returns to 2.0 of higher for at least one (1) semester, the participant may regain eligibility.