0505.000.00 Eligibility Requirements for Blind Pension

0505.025.05 Driver License

IM-147 December 22, 2022; IM-05 January 16, 2020; IM-09 January 25, 2019

Per RSMo 209.030, Blind Pension (BP) requires a participant to surrender their driver license or driver permit within 60 days of approval, as a condition of eligibility. The participant is ineligible when they obtain, maintain, or renew a valid driver license or driver permit in any state or territory while receiving BP.

Obtaining a driver license while receiving BP will result in progressively longer disqualifications.

  1. First offense will result in 2-year disqualification from the date the participant obtains a driver license or permit.
  2. Second offense will result in 4-year disqualification from the date the participant obtains a driver license or permit.
  3. Third offense will result in permanent disqualification from the date the participant obtains a driver license or permit.