zz – Obsolete

0950.020.00 FSD County Office Responsibilities – OBSOLETE

Although qualified entities are instructed to contact the MO HealthNet Service Center for DCNs, if the qualified entity contacts the local FSD Office, a designated staff member at the local FSD office should screen for past PE eligibility and assign DCNs for the applicant(s) following the same procedures given above for MO HealthNet Service Center staff.

The FSD Office must contact local qualified entities to develop a procedure for the qualified entity to provide a daily exchange of Presumptive Eligibility Determination (PC-1) forms, Presumptive Eligibility MO HealthNet Authorization (PC-2) forms, and MO HealthNet Application (IM1UA) forms. The local FSD Office may designate a member of its staff to be a liaison with the qualified entity in the county. The responsibilities of the liaison are to provide technical assistance to the qualified entity, serve as a contact for the qualified entity on specific cases, and contact the qualified entity when made aware of any problems.

FQHCs and RHCs that signed agreements to determine PE have been added to the Presumptive Eligibility Qualified Entity List available under the Resource Link on FSD’s MO HealthNet Intranet site at


FSD county offices must develop procedures to ensure the faxed or submitted PC-1 and PC-2 is assigned to the appropriate eligibility specialist the same day it is received. The eligibility specialist must enter the PE determination into the Legacy system via IMU5 transaction the same day it is received.

NOTE: Eligibility determinations for PE for Children can be made by qualified entities only, not FSD staff. However, qualified entities do not have access to IMU5 and cannot enter the PE approval. FSD staff must do the data entry required to enter the approval in IMU5.