1135.000.00 Special Application Procedures

1135.025.05 Work Registration Exemption

IM-71 August 31, 2023; IM-87 August 18, 2005; IM-103 October 4, 2004

A student enrolled at least half time in an institution of higher education meeting the criteria in 1135.025.00 Students in Institutions of Higher Education is exempt from work registration and ABAWD work requirements.

The student remains exempt during normal periods of class attendance, vacation, and recess unless the student’s eligibility is based on enrollment in work study. The eligibility system enters the appropriate work assessment code for half-time or full-time students based on the information entered on the Education/Student Information screen.

Note: For students who are eligible based on participation in a state or federally-financed work study program, the student exemption begins the month in which the school term begins or the month work study is approved, whichever is later. The exemption continues until the end of the month in which the school term ends, or it becomes known that the student has refused an assignment. The exemption does not continue between terms when there is a break of a full month or longer unless the student is participating in work study during the break.

If the student graduates, is suspended or expelled, drops out, or does not intend to register for the next normal school term (excluding summer), the student is no longer exempt.