1105.000.00 Non-financial Eligibility Requirements

1105.025.35 Determining Good Cause for Work Registration Components

IM-05 January 13, 2009; IM-103 October 4, 2004; IM-09 February 6, 2002; IM-32 April 1, 1999

Eligibility specialists may determine an EU member has good cause for non-participation in work registration activities anytime during the certification period. Eligibility specialists determine good cause for work registrants who do not comply with work registration activities. Non-compliance may occur at the time of work registration, referral to a component, and anytime the work registrant is participating in a component. To determine good cause, consider all circumstances, including information submitted by the EU. Good cause is a circumstance beyond the member’s control. This can include, but is not limited to:

  • illness or illness of another EU member requiring the individual’s presence in the home
  • a household emergency
  • the unavailability of transportation
  • the lack of adequate child care for children who have reached age 6 but are under age 12

If the non-complying member has good cause and the good cause condition or circumstance continues to exist at the time the determination is made but is expected to last less than 60 days, update the Employment Assessment (FMMS) screen by:

  • adding work assessment code 18 for the non-complying EU member
  • changing status to EXC
  • entering Y in the Good Cause field

When the good cause condition no longer exists but did exist at the time of non-compliance, it is not necessary to change the work assessment code unless the non-complying EU member now meets a work registration exemption or exclusion. Enter “Y” in the Good Cause field on the Employment Assessment (FMMS) screen. When the EU is in conciliation, a “Y” in the Good Cause field stops the sanctioning process. If the Adverse Action (FA-510) has been sent to the EU, void the adverse action (refer to theĀ Changing an Adverse Action Status user guide) and delete the sanction from the Sanction/Disqualification (FMAM) screen.

Following resolution of the temporary circumstance for non-compliance with work registration activities, change code 18 to the most appropriate code and status.

If the condition or circumstance is expected to last more than 60 days, change the individual’s work assessment code to the appropriate exemption or exclusion code and status.