IM-108 November 20, 2007; IM-53 March 23, 2000
EUs with striking members are ineligible to participate in the Food Stamp Program unless the EU was eligible the day prior to the strike and is otherwise eligible at the time of application. Pre-strike eligibility is determined by considering the income and resources belonging to the EU the day prior to the strike as if the strike had not occurred.
At the time of application striker EUs must meet eligibility requirements with necessary verification for the following:
- citizenship
- residency
- EU determination
- resources
- income
The striker is subject to the work registration requirement.
The income a striker receives from the union or other strike-related source is budgeted as unearned income. The 20 percent earned income deduction is not allowed even though the striker may be working on a picket line or conducting other union business during the strike.
Company pension plans are not considered a resource, even if the company indicates it will make it available. Information regarding pension plans is gathered on the Liquid Resource (FMW0) screen. Enter the value of the pension plan on the Liquid Resource screen and Y (yes) in the Access field. FAMIS shows any declared balance as excluded.
Strikers who are ineligible due to excess income and/or resources on the day prior to the strike remain ineligible for the duration of the strike.