The household may participate in SNAP when they have cooperated with the QA/QC review or when the penalty period is exhausted. To cooperate with the QA/QC review, direct the applicant/participant to the appropriate QA/QC reviewer. Contact may be made by calling the QA/QC Reviewer collect or if co-located, staff can contact the QA/QC worker and inform them of the household’s desire to cooperate. Follow the instructions in the Quality Control Sanction user guide.
If the household does not cooperate with the QA/QC review, the household can reapply for SNAP benefits, but will remain ineligible until after February 2nd of the next federal fiscal year.
If the household applies for benefits in the month in which they comply or applies in February, when the sanction ends, the eligibility system will reject the application for the first month and, if otherwise eligible, will approve the case for the subsequent month. To issue benefits in the month of application, complete a WIBCA budget, using the date of compliance (if the household complied) or February 2nd (if the sanction is ending) as the prorate date. Refer to the WIBCA user guide for more information.