When FSD receives a request for a hearing in-person, by telephone, handwritten request, DSS Chat, or a completed IM-85 Hearing Request, Staff will do the following:
- Navigate to the FSD Worksite from the FSD Intranet home page, select New Worksite and then Hearings
- On the Hearinglanding, select Submit Hearing Referral.
- Complete all the required fields on the Hearing Request Handoff page and click submit; the hearing request is sent to the Income Maintenance Hearings Unit (IMHU).
- Add a comment in the eligibility system(s) and record the following:
- the date the hearing request was received,
- who requested the hearing,
- a detailed reason the hearing was requested,
- and the date the request was sent to IMHU.
- If a HOLD and/or OVERRIDE is requested on the current benefit determination, enter the action in the eligibility system(s). Refer to IM Resources for the correct process.
Note: When a handwritten request or IM-85 Hearing Request is received, after the request is submitted to the IMHU, scan this documentation into the participant’s electronic file (ECM) under the head of household’s DCN.