0130.020.00 Hearings

0130.020.20.25 Completing a Hearing Request

IM-02 January 23, 2025 

When FSD receives a request for a hearing in-person, by telephone, handwritten request, DSS Chat, or a completed IM-85 Hearing Request, Staff will do the following:

  1. Navigate to the FSD Worksite from the FSD Intranet home page, select New Worksite and then Hearings
  2. On the Hearinglanding, select Submit Hearing Referral.
  3. Complete all the required fields on the Hearing Request Handoff page and click submit; the hearing request is sent to the Income Maintenance Hearings Unit (IMHU).
  4. Add a comment in the eligibility system(s) and record the following:
    1. the date the hearing request was received,
    2. who requested the hearing,
    3. a detailed reason the hearing was requested,
    4. and the date the request was sent to IMHU.
  5. If a HOLD and/or OVERRIDE is requested on the current benefit determination, enter the action in the eligibility system(s). Refer to IM Resources for the correct process.

Note: When a handwritten request or IM-85 Hearing Request is received, after the request is submitted to the IMHU, scan this documentation into the participant’s electronic file (ECM) under the head of household’s DCN.