Hearings Manual

0130.020.70.10 FSD Rescinds the Action

If the FSD decision or action was incorrect, or when the case record is inadequate to substantiate the action, staff rescind from the hearing request by:

  • Completing the FSD Action Rescinded (IM-90A) form.
  • Scanning and indexing the IM-90A to the FSD Work Site Hearing Portal at FSDIM87@ip.sp.mo.gov. The AHU receives a link to the IM-90A when it is scanned, indexed and assigned in the portal.
  • Completing and mailing to the EU the FSD Action Withdrawn Participant Notification (IM-90B) form.
  • Scanning and indexing a copy of the IM-90B to the Virtual File Room.
  • Commenting in the electronic record about the case review and why the FSD rescinded the action that had resulted in the hearing request.