Hearings Manual

0130.020.70.10 Income Maintenance Hearings Unit (IMHU) Rescinds the Action

IM-02 January 23, 2025

If the FSD decision or action was incorrect, or when the case record is inadequate to substantiate the action, IMHU staff rescind from the hearing request by:

  1. Completing the IM-90A Agency Action Rescinded and IM-90B Agency Action Withdrawn Participant Notification
  2. Upload the IM-90A and the IM-90B to the IMHU staff SharePoint
  3. Mail the household a copy of theĀ IM-90B Agency Action Withdrawn Participant Notification
  4. Attempt to contact the participant to advise the hearing action has been rescinded.
  5. Comment in the eligibility system about the case review, participant contact and why the action was rescinded that resulted in the hearing request.