A household may voluntarily withdraw their Hearing Request in writing by completing and signing one of the following:
- IM-90 Withdrawal for Request for Hearing or equivalent
- IM-86 Cancel Hearing Request
- Signed and dated written statement from the participant requesting a withdrawal. The written statement must include the participant’s identifying information.
- Participant can withdraw their request by email; however, the withdrawal request must come from the email address originally provided on the IM-85 Hearing request form or from the original written request.
If any of the items listed above is received by non-IMHU staff, forward the form or request by email to IMHearing.FSD@dss.mo.gov
All staff must comment in the eligibility system about the case review, the discussion with the household and why the hearing request was withdrawn.
The IM-90B Agency Action Withdrawn Participant Notification must be completed and mailed with information about the request to withdraw, allowing 10 days for the participant to reinstate the hearing if they choose.