Temporary Assistance/Case Management Manual

0210.005.55 Only Cash Eligible Child(ren) Receives SSI

IM-96 August 26, 2005; IM-155 November 21, 2002

When the only cash eligible child(ren) receives SSI, eligibility may exist for cash and MAF for the eligible payee and/or second parent. The SSI child(ren) should be eligible for MAF or MC+. Determine the eligible payee’s and/or second parent’s eligibility for cash and MC+ the same way as if the SSI child is cash eligible. Exclude the SSI child’s needs, income and resources in determining the eligible payee’s and/or second parent’s eligibility.

Thus, if the SSI child is under 18 or the SSI child is under 19 and meets the school requirements for cash, the eligible payee and/or second parent may be eligible for cash and MC+. Develop a budget(s) that includes the eligible payee and/or second parent but not the SSI/SAB child. Consider child care costs for the SSI/SAB child as an expense to the earned income of the payee and/or second parent even though the child is not in this assistance group.

If the SSI child is 18 years old and does not meet the school requirements for cash, the eligible payee and/or second parent is not eligible for cash.

The cash determination in column two below is an independent determination of MAF and MC+ eligibility (0905.010.00 Eligibility Requirements (MAF)).


  When these persons are in household: These persons are included in 185 Percent Limit and Cash Determination Group
1. Mother
SSI Child
2. Mother, SSI Child, MC+ Child, Child(ren) Mother
3. Needy NPCR
SSI Child
Needy NPCR
4. Parent, Stepparent,
SSI Child
Parent, Income of Stepparent under stepparenting budgeting
5. Mother, SSI Father,
SSI Child