0820.000.00 Eligibility Based on Receipt of HCB Waiver Services

0820.030.10 Medical Need and Authorization for HCB Waiver Services

HCB waiver services are extended to individuals who, in the absence of the services, would:

  • Require nursing facility (NF) level of care, AND
  • Need in-home services provided through the HCB waiver. Services currently available include:
    • A companion to relieve family caregivers (Respite Care)
    • Help with housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation and shopping (Homemaker Chore Services)
    • Home delivered meals.

The Department of Health and Senior Services, Division of Senior and Disability Services (DHSS/DSDS) determines whether the individual meets these requirements. Individuals who are applying for MHABD and who are considering placement in a long-term care facility, or who appear to be potentially eligible for HCB waiver services, must be referred to DHSS/DSDS for a determination.

Refer individuals to DHSS/DSDS using form IM-54A (Home and Community Based Referral). DHSS/DSDS will use the form to notify FSD of its decision, including the date the individual was authorized for HCB waiver services.