Obsolete per IM-97 July 11, 2022
IM-49 August 25, 2011
An individual can reapply for MO HealthNet Program (MHN) after being closed for not providing verification. However, the application cannot be approved unless verification of citizenship is provided. If verification of citizenship is not provided within the normal application processing timeframes, the application is rejected at the end of the application period. The individual is not allowed an additional 90 days to provide verification of citizenship when the individual has previously been allowed 90 days to provide documentation.
When an individual who has previously been allowed 90 days to provide requested verification of citizenship reapplies for benefits, the Eligibility Specialist should enter “PEND” in the Citizenship Document field and leave the verification field blank on the Citizenship Verification screen (FM8X or CITVERF) in FAMIS. If citizenship documentation is not provided by the end of the application period, the system automatically rejects the application for failure to provide documentation of citizenship.
Example: On 07/23/2010, Ms. Smith applies for MO HealthNet for Families (MHF) for herself and her three children. Ms. Smith does not have citizenship documentation for herself or her three children. Ms. Smith is given a Request for Information (FA-325) notice requesting citizenship documentation, the case is approved, and a reminder is set to follow up 90 days from the date of approval. Ms. Smith fails to provide documentation within 90 days. The eligibility specialist removes the “CS” verification code in the “VER” field on the Citizenship Verification (FM8X or CITVERF) screen in FAMIS and a FA-325 Request for Information is sent to Ms. Smith requesting verification of citizenship. Ms. Smith fails to provide the requested information and does not contact the eligibility specialist (ES) claiming a good faith effort in obtaining the citizenship verification. FAMIS sends an Adverse Action Notice (FA 410). When the Adverse Action Notice (FA 410) expires, the MO HealthNet for Families (MHF) case closes. An Action Notice (FA 450) is sent to Ms. Smith. On 12-23-10, Ms. Smith reapplies for herself and her three children. Ms. Smith does not provide verification of citizenship for herself or her three children. The eligibility specialist (ES) enters “PEND” in the Citizen Document field and leaves the verification field blank on the Citizenship Verification (FM8X or CITVERF) screen in FAMIS. Ms. Smith’s application will pend (case is not approved) 30 days allowing her an additional 30 days to provide citizenship verification. Ms. Smith fails to provide verification of citizenship and therefore, her application rejects.