Obsolete per IM-29 May 13, 2024
If a claimant is determined eligible for Medicaid under 1619 criteria, the worker will:
Record the information obtained about SSA 1619 status, income and resource verification in the case record.Complete the MA budget worksheet (IM-30A). Enter the threshold amount on Line 15 of the IM-30A. Enter the claimant’s gross earned income (or $1 less than the threshold amount) on Line 14 of the IM-30A. 1619 claimants are NOT entitled to any deductions from gross income.Enter an IMU5 transaction indicating:A “T” level of care and a reason code of “O” in field 13G2. Enter a new Title XIX begin date when changing an active MA case to Section 1619 Status.The threshold amount in Field 33 (Line 15 of the IM-30A).The gross earned income (or $1 less than the threshold amount) in Field 34 (Line 14 of the IM-30A).The deficit in Field 35.The gross income in Field 41.
Send the claimant a Notice of Case Action (IM-33) indicating s/he is eligible under 1619 criteria.Notify the IM Program and Policy Unit that the individual is receiving Title XIX under 1619 criteria.