zz – Obsolete

0905. Qualified Immigrants with Limited Eligibility Period – OBSOLETE

IM-#34 April 15, 2010,  IM-#52 July 20, 2009,   IM-#112, December 29, 2008

Public Laws 110-161, 110-181, 110-329, and 111-08 grant certain Iraqi and Afghan immigrants special immigrant status under section 101(a)(27) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) effective December 26, 2007. Under the special immigrant status, the immigrant is eligible for refugee resettlement assistance, entitlement programs, and other benefits as a refugee. Prior to December 19, 2009, eligibility could not exceed eight months.

The Defense Appropriations Act of FY 2010 (Section 8120, P.L. 111-118) provides that effective December 19, 2009, Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrants are eligible for benefits to the same extent and for the same period as refugees pursuant to Section 207 of the Immigrations and Nationality Act. Provided that other eligibility requirements are met, Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrants are eligible for benefits indefinitely.