IM-#104, December 20, 2012, IM-12 January 20, 2000
If a child being added to an active case has the same absent parent as any active child in the home, submit an IM-16 to FSD-CS. The IM-16 will inform FSD-CS the child has been added along with any other new information on the absent parent. If the child has a different absent parent than the other children on the case, send an IM-2E Part 1 with a CS-201 to the parent/caretaker. The IM-2E Part 1 is for the parent/caretaker’s information ONLY, it does not need to be signed and returned. Request the CS-201 be filled out and returned, or that the parent/caretaker call the caseworker to provide the needed information. If the parent fails to provide the necessary information on the absent parent, the child should be added to the case. Follow normal procedures to sanction the parent.