Eighteen-year-olds not attending school who live with a relative or legal GUARDIAN may be eligible for MAF. A separate budget computation must be completed to determine their eligibility for MAF.
To determine eligibility if there are no dependent children or eligible caretakers in the home, include all persons eligible for inclusion in the budget group (natural or adoptive parents, NPCR, or legal guardian, plus children age 18 not in school.
Follow the procedures below when a household contains both dependent children and 18-year-olds not attending school.
Determine MAF eligibility for the dependent children.Complete a second budget using the net income limit amount for the assistance group in step 1, and any 18-year-old who is not attending school.Include the income of the persons included in the assistance group in step 1 (excluding any Temporary Assistance cash grant), and any income of the 18-year- old not attending school. Apply all applicable income disregards. Budget the income in the same manner as budgeted to determine the MAF eligibility for other persons. Subtract the net budgeted income from the net income limit. If any deficit exists, the 18-year-old is eligible for MC+ healthcare coverage.
EXAMPLE: A mother with eligible children ages 14 and 17, and an 18-year-old child who does not attend school. The mother is employed and no other income exists in the household. Determine the MAF eligibility by subtracting countable income from the net income limit for the number of persons in the younger two children’s assistance group (three persons in this example).
To determine if the 18-year-old is eligible for MAF, complete a second budget using the net income limit for four persons (in this example). Include countable income from the first MAF budget. Excluding any Temporary Assistance grant. Subtract the budgeted income from the net income limit for four persons. If any deficit exists, the child is eligible for MC+ healthcare coverage.