IM-#26 March 23, 2007, IM-46 May 13, 2005, IM-54 June 03, 2004
The need standard is the basis of several income tests used to determine a family’s eligibility for MAF. The need standard is allowed according to the number of persons in the assistance group. The MAF need standard can be no lower than the July 16, 1996 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Consolidated Standard Expense. (Refer to Section 0210.010.00)
Effective July 1, 2004, the full need standard and net income limits for MAF are 75% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and the gross income limit is 185% of the 75% FPL.
Effective July 1, 2005, the full need standard is the July 16, 1996 AFDC Consolidated Standard Expense. The gross income limit is 185% of the MAF need standard, and the net income limit is 34.526% of the MAF need standard (currently the Temporary Assistance net income/grant amount limit).
Refer to Appendix D for the MAF and MC+ income limits.