IM-54 June 2, 2005, IM-#70 June 14, 2002
This policy was eliminated effective July 1, 2005 by Missouri House Bill 11.
Effective July 1, 2002, uninsured adults must have net income equal to or less than 100% of the federal poverty level to qualify for Extended Transitional Medical Assistance.
Because the conversion to ETMA is done by the system, it is necessary to have the most recent income information in the system at the time of conversion from TMA. All TMA cases that are determined eligible for the final two months of TMA based on the third quarterly report must also have a 100% of FPL budget completed. The income and deductions on this budget will be the same as what is shown on a MAF budget. When an entry of “4” is made in field 38a of the IMU5, the system will require entry of a new 100% budget. The information on the 100% FPL budget will be used to determine if the case should be converted to ETMA.