IM-99 October 2, 2007, IM-67 July 13, 2004, IM-218 December 13, 2001
When an application for MC+ is received, it may not be clear which type of assistance the family will be eligible to receive. Family members may be eligible for MC+ as a pregnant woman (MPW), one of the four MC+ children’s groups, or MAF. It may be necessary to register a MAF/MC+ for Children and a MPW application. Always determine eligibility for the MAF, the MC+ for Children Non-CHIP group, and MPW prior to approving in one of the CHIP groups. Benefit packages are more restrictive for individuals approved in the Premium CHIP groups. A MC+ for children assistance group may include both Non-CHIP and CHIP children due to the higher Non-CHIP income limits for children under age 6 and under age 1.
For children determined ineligible for the Non-CHIP group on income, determine if the child is eligible in one of the CHIP groups based on the additional eligibility factors listed in Section 0920.020.00.