IM-29 March 11, 2013, IM-8 February 03, 2011, IM-1 January 07, 2009
The UWHS program provides women’s health services for uninsured women from age 18 up to but not including age 56 who are in need of family planning services, and have family income up to and including 185% of the federal poverty level for their household size. Women who have been sterilized are not in need of family planning services and are ineligible for the UWHS program.
UWHS coverage is not time limited and is subject to the standard MO HealthNet reinvestigation and exparte processes.
When responding to inquiries and at application for the UWHS program, explain the benefits and services available. The only healthcare services covered by MO HealthNet for UWHS are family planning and family planning related services. The MO HealthNet Division provides guidance to MO HealthNet providers of services covered by the various Medicaid eligibility codes (ME) codes. Refer to the benefit matrix located under “Covered Services” on the About the MO HealthNet Divisionwebpage for listing of covered services.