The information in the ITMP system is used by the IM system to do several tasks:
The system calculates the ending date of the TEMP eligibility period based on the beginning eligibility date issued by the Qualified Provider. The system assigns a level of care “F”.The system changes the level of care on TEMP cases from “F” to “S” when a MC+ application is rejected prior to the ending date of the presumptive eligibility coverage (if no other MC+ application is still pending). These levels of care indicate whether payment for services is from federally matched or state only funds.If the TEMP recipient applies for MC+ in the month after the TEMP determination, the system updates ITMP to extend TEMP eligibility 15 days past the MC+ application date.If an application is still pending on the 15th day, the system sends a message on the print subsystem. The message states, “Make a decision on the above Medicaid application today, or send a letter extending TEMP eligibility to MM/DD/YY”.On the evening of the 15th day, the system checks for a rejection or approval. If neither is found, eligibility is extended on ITMP for an additional seven days by the system.Every seven days, the system continues this procedure. On the seventh day of the extension, print subsystem messages are generated; if no action is taken, the system extends for an additional seven days. This procedure repeats until the application is processed.If the TEMP recipient applies for MC+ in the month of the TEMP determination, or the month prior to the TEMP determination, the system checks to see if any action has been taken on the MC+ application by the last working day of the second month of TEMP eligibility. If no action has been taken, the system extends TEMP eligibility another seven days. This procedure repeats until the application has been processed.NOTE: If the seventh day falls on a weekend or holiday, the seventh day will be the last working day before the weekend or holiday. (The same applies to the 15th day after application).