(CD09-91, OEC09-16 dated September 17, 2009, CD11-58, OEC11-14 dated July 12, 2011)
Childcare benefits may only be granted to a citizen or qualified alien. Qualified alien status must be verified at the time of application for all children for whom childcare benefits are being requested. Verification of citizenship is only required if questionable.
Acceptable forms of documentation that verify citizenship or qualified alien status are:
- U.S. passport,
- Certificate of naturalization (N-550 or N-570),
- Certificate of Citizenship (N-560 or N-561),
- Birth Certificate or IBTH documentation (if born in Missouri),
- Certification of Birth (DS-1350),
- Consular Report of Birth (FS-240),
- Certificate of birth Abroad (FS-545),
- U.S. Citizen ID Card (I-197 or I-179),
- American Indian Card (I-872),
- NMI card (I-873),
- Final adoption decree,
- Official Military Record of Service,
- Hospital record on hospital letterhead (for children under 5 years old only),
- Life or health insurance record showing a U.S. place of birth created at least five years prior to application for benefits,
- U.S. State Vital Statistics official notification of birth registration,
- Statement signed by a physician or midwife present at the time of birth,
- Institutional admission papers showing a U.S. place of birth created at least five years prior to application for benefits,
- Medical (clinic, doctor, or hospital) records created at least five years prior to application for benefits.
Citizenship is not a requirement for household members for whom benefits are not requested or child care providers.