zz – Obsolete


CD15-74; OEC15-19 December 17, 2015; CD15-56; OEC15-12 September 01, 2015; CD15-17; OEC15-06 March 26, 2015; CD14-04; OEC14-01 January 16, 2014; CD13-67; OEC13-10 July 19, 2013; CD09-06; OEC09-02 January 14, 2009; CD08-40; OEC08-4 June 27, 2008

Income eligibility for child care exists when the adjusted gross income does not exceed the 138% poverty maximum based on the household size. The income maximums are listed Traditional Child Care Income Eligibility Guidelines and Sliding Fee Chart. New applicants and applicants who have had a break in eligibility must qualify using the 138% income guidelines listed on the IM-4CC Attachments in order to be eligible for benefits.

Active EU’s that report a change or reapply for benefits before the end of the certification period can qualify for Transitional Child Care Level 1 if the adjusted gross income exceeds 139% of poverty but does not exceed 165% of poverty. After the sliding fee is paid, payment to the provider will be paid at 75% of the remaining state base rate.

If the adjusted gross income exceeds 166% of poverty but does not exceed 190% of poverty the household could qualify for Transitional Child Care Level 2. After the sliding fee is paid, payment to the provider will be paid at 50% of the remaining state base rate.

If the adjusted gross income exceeds 191% of poverty but does not exceed 215% of poverty, the household could qualify for Transitional Child Care Level 3. After the sliding fee, payment to the provider will be made at 25% of the remaining base rate.