zz – Obsolete


(CD12-33, OEC12-06 dated March 15, 2012)

  1. Any payment received under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970.
  2. Any benefits received under Title VII, Nutrition Program for the Elderly, for the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended.
  3. Adoption Subsidy (AS) Maintenance Payment.
  4. Death benefits such as OASDI, VA, Railroad, or other burial Benefits.
  5. Burial benefits are exempt.  Budget regular monthly survivor’s benefits.
  6. Incentive payments and supportive services, including direct reimbursements for child care, received through case management services from FSD staff or outside case management agencies.
  7. Vocational Rehabilitation: Payments made for maintenance, transportation, tuition, fees, etc., in connection with a claimant participating in training or school attendance are excluded.  If the participant receives payment specifically designated for child care expense, budget as income.
  8. Veterans Education Assistance:  The portion which is for the ‘student’ and is actually used for items such as tuition, books, fees, equipment, transportation for school, etc., shall be excluded.  The portion designated for maintenance and child care expense shall be included as income.
  9. Workforce Investment Act (WIA):  Participants may receive one or more of the following types of payments:
    • Wages:  Budget wages as earned income unless received by a dependent child.
    • Supportive Services: Supportive Services are excluded, except those specifically designated for child care expense.
    • Compensation in Lieu of Wages: If received by a child, this compensation is excluded.  If received by an adult household member, or an emancipated minor, count as income.
    • Need Based Payments:  If used for the living expenses of an adult or emancipated minor, they are counted as income.  If they are designated for a specific purpose or in-kind assistance, they are excluded.  If a child receives them they are excluded.
  10. Job Corps: Participants receive living allowances and readjustment allowances.  They may also receive an allowance for training related expenses.  If a child is in Job Corps, both of the allowances and the training related expenses are excluded.If an adult or an emancipated minor is in Job Corps, count income as follows:
    • Living Allowance is excluded.
    • Readjustment Allowance is not treated as income while it remains in a fund.  When the participant accesses the Readjustment Allowance, it is counted as income.
    • Training Related Expenses are excluded, except those specifically designated for child care expense.

    NOTE:  When a guardian receives a Readjustment Allowance for a Jobs Corps participant for the purpose of assisting in the care of a child, it is called an ‘Allotment’ and it shall be counted as income.

  11. Income received by volunteers for services performed in programs stipulated in the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973, Public Law 93-113, is excluded.  Programs include the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, the Foster Grandparent Program, Older American Community Service Program, Service Corp. of Retired Executives, University Year for Action Volunteers (UYA), and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) as administered by the Federal Domestic Volunteer Agency (ACTION).
  12. Payments or allowances made under any Federal, State, or local laws for the purpose of energy assistance are excluded.
  13. Income received by participants in projects carried out under Title V of the Older Americans Act is excluded.
  14. Agent Orange benefits are excluded.
  15. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments.
  16. Foster Care payments (IV-E or HDN) are excluded.