(CD13-36, OEC13-06 dated April 26, 2013)
Verify the cost of any monthly medical insurance premium paid by members of the household. Hard copy documentation is the required form of verification.
Deduct the cost of any verified medical insurance premium from the household’s gross income.
Allow deductions for:
Hospital/Physician insurance (i.e., Blue Cross/Blue Shield),MO HealthNet Fee-for-Service (MO HealthNet for Kids (SCHIP), MO HealthNet for Pregnant Women and Newborns, MO HealthNet for Families)MO HealthNet Managed Care (HealthCare USA, Home State, Missouri Care),MO HealthNet for the Aged, Blind and DisabledDental/Vision insurance,Medicare supplement policies,Cancer insurance,Nursing care, and,Other health insurance policies not included above.
Do not allow deductions for:
Wage or income replacement policies,Accident policies,Life insurance policies,Disability policies, orBurial insurance policies.
Compare the amount remaining after the deduction of the monthly medical insurance premium from the applicant’s gross income, as applicable, to either the Child Care Family Eligibility Income Guidelines and Sliding Fee Chart at http://dss.mo.gov/cd/child-care/files/child-care-income-guidelines.pdf or the Transitional Child Care Income Eligibility chart at http://dss.mo.gov/cd/child-care/files/transitional-child-care-income-guidelines.pdf. Based on this comparison, determine the household’s eligibility for full Child Care Assistance or Transitional Child Care and the daily cost per child on the sliding fee scale.