Families receiving Children’s Division services through Intensive In-Home Services (IIS) or Family-Centered Services (FCS), and have demonstrated a need for child care as defined in sections 1210.020.00, 1210.020.05, 1210.020.10, and 1210.020.15, must have their eligibility established first through the Family Support Division (FSD) and their income must be considered as part of the eligibility determination. If the child is approved by the Family Support Division for child care, the eligibility specialist should note the child as special needs in FAMIS to ensure the provider receives the special needs rate differential. Also, the eligibility specialist will need to waive the sliding fee for the child in FAMIS. If the FSD application is rejected, the Children’s Service Worker may authorize services through the Children’s Division if child care is recommended as part of the family’s written service agreement. FCS and IIS families may utilize either licensed/contracted child care or registered child care. However, no payment for child care can be made until the provider is either contracted or registered.