CD11-91/OEC-20 – October 17, 2011
Registration begin dates for License Exempt DSS providers is the first day of the month in which the registration application is received. A list of License-Exempt types determined by DSS is located at 1215.000.00 PROVIDER ELIGIBILITY
Example 1: Ms. Martin is approved for Child Care assistance effective 10-03-08. She selects her sister, Emma, as her son Nathan’s provider. Nathan began care with Emma on 09-22-08. Emma returns the provider registration application on 10-17-08 and cares for four or less unrelated children. On 11-06-08, all necessary documentation is received and Emma’s child care registration is approved.
The provider’s registration begin date is 10-01-08, to coincide with the first of the month in which the provider registration application was received. The rate effective date may be as early as 07-01-08. Payment for child care services can begin 10-03-08 for Nathan as this is the effective date of the child’s eligibility.
Example 2: Ms. Jones is approved for Child Care assistance effective 10-27-08. She selects Marty Smith as her son Michael’s caregiver. Mr. Smith applies for provider registration on 11-28-08. . On 12-19-08, Mr. Smith’s provider registration is approved.
The provider’s registration begin date is 11-01-08, as this is the first of the month in which Mr. Smith applied to be a registered provider. The rate effective date may be as early as 08-01-08. Payment for child care services can begin 10-27-08 for Michael as this is the effective date of the child’s eligibility.