zz – Obsolete


CD12-14, OEC12-03 January 31, 2012

  1. Where to FileApplications should be filed and registered timely in the applicant’s county of residence.
  2. Requests from Individuals Not Living in the CountyIf the individual makes a request in person, take the application, register it no later than the next working day, and transfer it to the correct county.

    If an application is received in the mail, date stamp the form, register the application no later than the next working day.  Transfer the pending application to the correct county.

    If the request is received by phone, mail the application within one working day of the request.  Include a return envelope to the correct county.

  3. Applicant Moves to Another CountyWhen an applicant moves to another county before the application has been processed, transfer the case to the receiving county.  Before transferring, record all activity on the case up to the time of transfer.